The Consortium's Heir

The Consortium’s Heir By Benjamin Chapter 147

Chapter 147 There was no other fiasco with the doctors or staff in Serene Hospital, and after two days as the doctor said, Darius was discharged from the hospital.

The fast rate at which he was discharged was quite shocking to the medical personnel attending to Darius. The reason was because a critical wound like the one Darius incurred should have one bedridden for more than a month even after a successful surgery, yet Darius was discharged in less than a week. :

It was completely unheard of.

Of course, this was due to the self healing trait of the golden liquid, but as the medical personnel had no idea of the golden liquid in Darius‘ body system, their shock at his fast healing rate was understandable.

Another peculiar thing was that the surgery Darius had left no scar on his chest! It was as smooth as an egg, and without the medical records, it would be impossible to tell that a surgery was performed on Darius.

Darius had just finished changing from his hospital gown to his casual wear when he heard a loud knock on his hospital door. An equally loud voice soon followed suit.

“Mr. Reid!” a male voice sounded courteously from outside the hospital door. “Come in.” Darius replied calmly.!

The door opened and a young man in his early thirties walked in. Of course, the young man was none other than Mr. Joseph.

completely shed his previous conceited and arrogant attitude and adopted a humble one. Everyone was shocked to see Mr. Joseph act so courteous and servile to Darius. It was

Joseph‘s attitude. He couldn‘t care less about a minor character like Joseph. This wasn‘t the first time people were being servile

After all this was his chance to elevate his status and that of Torrent Automobiles. He would never let a chance like this pass him by. Moreover, after

Mr. Joseph asked the second he walked into the hospital room. “None at the moment.” Darius replied flatly while

few minutes, the two of them exited the hospital. There was a very luxurious black Bentley parked just outside the hospital doors, and Darius recognized the vehicle as the Bentley Bruce had

attracted attention as usual, but Darius was already used

Joseph who was beside Darius at that time however had his jaws wide open at the

company, Mr. Joseph was more adept and more knowledgeable about cars than anyone present, so he naturally knew how expensive the black Bentley

sure he would be

opened for him to enter. Once he

while, there was only

was the one driving the luxury car, and this arrangement was demanded by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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