The Consortium's Heir

The Consortium’s Heir By Benjamin Chapter 158

Chapter 158

The speaker dared not utter another word as he cautiously sat back in his seat.

Darius no longer concerned himself with that man. After all, he knew the people gambling here were much poorer than him. Their combined assets would not even amount to a fraction of his wealth. There was no way Darius would waste his time on such people. Hence, he promptly placed his black bank card with the letter “R” onto the table.

The manager’s brows furrowed. “I know many people worship Reid Consortium. Since you know of the Reid family, I’m sure you’re also aware of the family’s social status. In having this bet against me, I hope you understand that a measly person like you cannot survive the wrath of our casino or the Reids.”

“Don’t forget what you’re saying to me now,” Darius responded, his voice devoid of emotion while he glanced at his watch.

Then, he placed his card onto the scanner.

A second passed before the machinery let out a beep of approval and flashed a green light.

Everyone around them cheered at once.

Only the female manager frowned, unable to rejoice in Darius’ success. She did not have the authority to grant him five million in cash as she had promised earlier. She only agreed to do it because she was sure Darius was poor. Little did she expect her judge of character to slip up Darius turned out to be rich beyond belief! Not to mention, his black card was authentic.

left her body. She slumped onto the ground but had both hands supporting her to ensure she

hands, tucking them into his pockets as he did before with his classic blank stare. “How will you fulfil your

Reid! I-I don’t have the authority to hand over five million dollars to you. That was a reckless promise I made out

pitiful for the manager, except Darius, who frowned. “You’re pretty even when you’re

myself,” said the person in charge of the casino. He stumbled upon the two’s tense conversation after exiting the elevator. Immediately, he lowered his head and explained, “Dearest Mr. Reid, I apologize sincerely for everything. I had no idea Mr. Rudd was a good friend of yours. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have

to intervene from the moment I stood at your casino’s main entrance.” Darius’ gaze remained as frosty as ever. The chill in his eyes intensified when he noticed the bruises on Rudd’s

He wiped it away, locked eyes with Darius, and desperately pleaded. “I’m so sorry. None of what

single thing changed on Darius’

him to take deeper breaths. After pondering momentarily, he knelt. “I genuinely am sorry, Mr. Reid. I understand that I’ve made a lot

made my demands

knew what to do as he thought, “That’s five million dollars! It’s the daily income of our casino. If I handed that money over to Mr. Reid, my boss might kill

the former’s bleak look, Darius felt

said, “Let’s get out of here. I’m sure everything will end once these guys pay the five million dollars to any company under Reid

he was in a daze

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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