The Consortium's Heir

The Consortium’s Heir By Benjamin Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Darius felt it was necessary to draw a clear line between his subordinates’ service to their superiors and the latter’s friends.

He waited for Rudd to alight the car before turning around and extending his arms wide.” Come along. Let’s give you a tour of my private jet.” Once Rudd set foot on the airport grounds, he wondered if the plane they were boarding belonged to Darius’ family. Now that Darius had confirmed that suspicion, Rudd’s jaw fell agape as he muttered, “D-Damn. It seems like you can afford plenty of luxuries now. Still, what shocks me more is that you still see me as your friend. You came to save me like you would’ve done back then.”

Seeing how touched his friend was, Darius blinked several times before replying, “Duh. We’re best mates, after all.”

He had ascended the private jet’s steps by the time he finished speaking. He looked at the door while motioning toward the jet’s interior. “Hurry up. We’ve still got plenty of things to do.” Rudd immediately clambered aboard.

Although he anticipated that the jet would be fancy, he was still deeply in awe. Witnessing the lavish aircraft in person made his heart race so much that he could barely breathe.

“I had the same reaction when I first saw this jet earlier,” remarked Darius, who could relate to Rudd’s wonder.

Rudd adjusted his expression, trying to brush things off. “I just assumed you bought this jet with your newfound wealth. It makes more sense that it belongs to your family. Although I’m still taken aback by everything, I’m growing numb. I’ll be as cool as a cucumber in no time.”

Amused chuckles rumbled from Darius’ throat just then. “I bet you won’t even feel a thing toward surprises like these in the future.”

to Darius with a look of doubt. “By the way, what do your parents do for a

after experiencing everything up till now. There was more to the so-called accident that killed his parents than met the eye. However, since his grandfather wanted to keep

Darius was drowning in unhappy thoughts as the latter’s every pore seemed to radiate a grim aura. He paused to think carefully before asking, “Did I

shook his head. “I’ve never met them. They died when I got separated from my family. Grandpa says it was a severe car accident that claimed

a significant contrast from his earlier iciness. He continued, “But it’s all

member. I swear I’ll hunt down the person who killed my parents and

again, Rudd pursed his lips, putting on a determined and sincere look. “You’re right, and I’ll do everything I can to help you!” That was a pleasant surprise to Darius, who nodded and

I wouldn’t have walked out alive from that casino.” Rudd chuckled. “I’m pretty sure I would’ve lost a few body parts like a few fingers or a leg. Knowing my family, they’ll never let someone flawed inherit the family assets. Thus, i’ll likely get kicked out without a penny to my name.” He then locked eyes with Darius, the utmost sincerity swelling in his eyes as he added, “That’s why it’s fair that I do everything in my power to help you. Besides, we’re supposed to be best mates who can rely on each other.” A warm, tingly feeling engulfed Darius. He no longer

in shock. He gawked at the jet’s interior with his eyes rounded and jaw lowered like a child in a candy

amusing to Darius, but he did not comment on it. Instead, he shut

so busy these few days that I haven’t had any breaks. Naturally, it also means haven’t cultivated my abilities one bit. That’s not good.” Just as Darius

Put away everything, stow your tray table, and fasten your seatbelt. Behave yourself as you would

Rudd nodded.

as Darius did not react in any

let out a long exhale. “Rudd, this is my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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