The Consortium's Heir

The Consortium’s Heir By Benjamin Chapter 179

Chapter 179

Pearl wasn’t sure whether she’d guessed correctly. She stood up and walked to the study, seeing Darius‘ fingers flew over the keyboard so quickly that she could barely see Them.

She leaned against the door, unable to stop herself from laughing “Do you need my help? I’m willing to help you because of the favor you did the Chamberlain family.”

The only reply she got was the clicking of the keyboard’s keys. Darius didn’t even spare her a glance, let alone answer her. It made her feel a little awkward.

She finally walked over to him. She looked at the monitor and said, “To repay your kindness, I’ll stay here with you until you’re done with your dissertation.”

Only then did Darius look up at her, his eyes frosty. “I’m busy now, so please remain silent. Otherwise, I can’t guarantee I’ll be as mild–mannered as I am right now.”

This was the first time someone had spoken to her like that. A hint of displeasure flashed across her face, but it quickly disappeared. If she were in his shoes, she’d be annoyed too.

She watched as he flipped through one of the books at top speed. He was going to reach the last page. soon. She stepped forward and grabbed the book he would need next, then placed it on the desk and pulled the book he was currently reading out of his hands once he was done with the last page.

At first, Darius wasn’t happy with this. However, he raised an eyebrow when he saw that the book that had been placed on the desk was the one he wanted to read next.

“How did you know I was going to go for this book?”

“Well, I’m a student too, and I have exemplary grades.” When these words were out of her mouth, she realized who she was talking to. Darius was at the top of their class!

her mouth and silently watched as Darius rushed through his dissertation, occasionally helping him switch books or getting

didn’t even flinch. He didn’t even look away from

open when she heard Darius‘

Chamberlain.” Then, she was answered by a

his phone! So, she hurried to explain herself, but before

I call

“No, you didn’t.”

voice said, “He brought a woman home with him, and

said, “No, sir, that’s not it. I’m

on in the living room and stopped typing. He walked into the living room and saw Pearl looking panicked.

“Give me the phone.”

expect him to come out here. Of course, this thought didn’t linger

Darius.” His gaze landed

So, she walked into the study and shut the door before sitting on the chair. It was still warm, making her blush.

money to make them as wealthy as they used to be, so she wanted to repay me out of gratitude. I forgot that class was resuming tomorrow–no,

ease now that he’d explained himself. He didn’t know whether his grandfather would

hope that you don’t repeat this mistake and try your best to complete your studies. At the same time, don’t forget about your duty as

Grandpa. I understand.” Darius

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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