Chapter 45 Help Him to Dress Up

Sarah’s eyes flashed and she lowered her eyelids. “Didn’t you already convince my mother? Do I have a second choice?”

“Just because of this? There is no other reason?”

Sarah looked up at him. “Of course there is! Aren’t the two of us going to suffer together? Vivian betrayed you and your legs are not good. No matter how bad I am, I am not that bad enough. I can’t leave you at a time like this!”

Christian’s eyes lit up when he heard the last sentence. Something had touched the most fragile nerve in his heart. A heart-wrenching scene flashed in his mind. His throat moved a few times.

He withdrew his gaze and slowly laid flat on the bed. Then he closed his eyes. “I’m tired. Let’s sleep.”

Sarah did not expect that after saying so much, he actually did not react at all. Fortunately, he did not get angry like before.

Seeing him close his eyes, she also turned over on the bed and gently pulled the blanker over her. She fell asleep with her back facing Christian.

Because this was not her home, and there were a lot of things in her mind, Sarah did not sleep well that night. She dreamt that Julian was chasing after her and Christian was angry at her again. In the end, she even dreamt that Vivian was carrying a child. In the end, she kept having nightmares and did not sleep well at night at all.

When Sarah woke up, she felt she was still in her own house for a moment because one of her legs was on something and one of her arms was hugging something around.

She closed her eyes and moved her fingers, feeling a bit strange. The plush bears in her house were all furry. But now, this doll bear’s body was somewhat smooth.

She felt something was wrong!

In the next second, Sarah felt a thunderbolt hit her hard!

Something was not right!

She was married yesterday! She was at Christian’s house! Then who was she hugging now?

She suddenly opened her eyes and saw Christian’s tough face. He was looking at her with a funny smile.


Sarah quickly retracted her arms and legs. Her face was as red as a red apple. She bit her lips and looked at him nervously. She squeezed out a smile awkwardly, “Sorry, sorry…’

It looked like she had mistaken Regimental Commander Cooper for her doll bear!

She had really lost all her face!

She had clearly agreed to draw a clear line with him, but on the first night, she ran over and threw herself into his arms!

him so tightly! She

now, he seemed to have become a different person.

by Sarah but he was not angry at

on her back so that she could

up!” Christian said as he supported himself with the bed sheet and sat up. He saw Sarah quickly run off

find a shirt and pants from

to make it up to him. She quickly walked to the closet and took out a dark blue shirt and

came out, she saw that Christian had already changed into a shirt. But his shorts had not been taken off. His long black pants

Now that Jayson wasn’t here, it seemed like she was the only one who

a little nervous. She did not know if he

was conflicted, she couldn’t just watch him helplessly bit her lips

you…” Her words were a little

she was in a dilemma, I won’t take off my shorts. It’s

let out a sigh of relief in her heart. This way, when she helped

it. He wore these shorts on his body. Wearing a pair of long pants outside would definitely make him feel uncomfortable. The reason why he

looked at Christian and then quickly looked away.

“Are you wearing underwear?”

heart years,

Christian looked at her

comfortable wearing this pair of shorts.

nodded slightly

immediately turned her face to the side and took two deep breaths. She bent down slightly to let Christian hug her shoulder and took the opportunity

took off his shorts. She took the pants from the side and put them on

She was instantly stunned!

scar appeared in her line of

or two before Sarah placed his hand on her shoulder again and helped him pull up his pants. When all of this was done, she was so tired that

and sat

a while. I’ll get a basin of water!”

After everything was done, Christian looked at her

him the razor. She saw him shave his newly grown stubble and wash his face clean before she put

Sarah took the red was stopped by

to wear clothes that were not very bright in color, but now she dressed like a little princess every day. She felt

you are now?” Christian looked at her and asked

to remind me. I know I

the clothes you used

meant!” Sarah lowered her head and felt that what he said

not say anything else. He controlled the wheelchair to the

pointed at a pink naked sleeveless dress for her to change into. He also chose a simple necklace for her. He felt satisfied, so he let her push him out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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