The convenient Bride

Chapter 272: I Want You to Be My Boyfriend

At the request of Juliet, Payton drove the car to the underground parking lot of a shopping mall in the center of the city.

When he asked her what she wanted to eat in the car, she said two words-hot pot!

So, they came to this shopping mall. According to Juliet, there was an authentic hot pot restaurant there.

After getting off the car, Juliet and Payton headed straight for the fourth floor of the mall and entered a hot pot restaurant that looked quite old- styled.

The enthusiastic waiter immediately greeted them, "Welcome. Only you two?”

"Yes." Juliet looked at the empty hot pot restaurant and said, "We want to sit in the corner."

“Alright, please follow me."

The waiter led them to a table at the corner. "Take a seat, please. I'll get the menu."

Payton looked at the waiter who was walking away and sat down.

"Did you come here often before?”

He looked at Juliet's pretty face and asked with raised eyebrows.

"I used to come here a lot with Rosiley.” Juliet turned her head to look at the decoration of the restaurant that had not been changed for many years, and she couldn't help feeling nostalgia.

She missed the carefree days in the past. When she was free, she would come here to have a meal with her best friend, and it was so refreshing.

Then, she smiled and said to Payton, "Have a taste. The hot pot here has been well received by me, Rosiley and Yayoi."

Payton smiled and said, "Then I'd like to try it.”

The waiter walked over and handed them the menu. "Take your time and tick whatever you want to eat. Call me when you are done.”

After saying that, he walked away again.

"Can you eat spicy food?" Juliet asked without raising her head as she scanned the menu.

"Yeah, I think.” Actually, Payton felt a slight stomach ache when he saw the seemingly spicy hot pot printed on the menu.

Juliet raised her eyes and glanced at him, "If you can't, then don't. Don't push yourself.”

raised his eyebrows. Was

spicy food, but how could he lose

eating spicy food. Don't worry, order as much spicy food as you want. I will be with you to the

and looked at him suspiciously, as if she did not believe

didn't stop

ticked the heavy spicy hot

Payton was shocked.

table, in which were red peppers and chilly oil, and

help but

using boiling water to sterilize the bowls and chopsticks, and then, she looked up at

rub his nose with an

like he couldn't

to be taught a lesson for biting off more than he could

spicy did you

blinked her eyes with a confused expression, "You said that I could order as

hot pot and swallowed his saliva


too spicy, Payton didn't eat much. After eating just a bit, he would sweat profusely. He had to adjust

Juliet. From the moment she

was exceptionally calm. Other than her cheeks

she lose her

they eating different

be someone who could withstand such spicy

not an

put food into

though her mouth was numb from

the end, Payton couldn't bear it. He reached out and grabbed her hand that was holding the ladle. "If you continue, your stomach won't be able to take

him, only to find that his eyebrows were slightly knitted,

pursed her numb lips and said half-jokingly, "If you don't want me to

was completely unable

her chopsticks. She wiped her mouth with a wet tissue and continued, "I treat you to dinner because I want

free lunch, she must be

laughing, "Juliet, why don't you be straightforward? Why do you have

His tone carried ridicule.

"Is treating you to a meal equals to not

"Yep." Payton nodded noncommittally.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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