The convenient Bride

Chapter 305: To Catch the Adulterer in Act

Finally, Bertram and Alfred entered the arena.


When the car stopped at the beginning of the red carpet, a tall figure got out after the car door was opened. The audiences 

broke into exciting screams.


This was the influence of Bertram, a prince charming.


Bertram led Alfred out of the car in a gentlemanly manner. Alfred, in a pure white dress, was graceful. With a gentle smile on her delicate face, she was a delight to see.


Bertram put on a faint smile, looking gentle. But his eyes were calm.


As they stood together, they were like a couple, as beautiful as a painting.


Rosiley picked up her camera and shot at them frantically, afraid that she would miss any wonderful moment.


Bertram stood in front of the background board. His indifferent gaze swept around the various media representatives who were taking pictures, as if he was looking for something.


Finally, his gaze fell on someone in the crowd. The calm eyes gradually started to become excited. He smiled more happily.


He found her.


She was taking pictures of him and Alfred, her intent look filled with excitement.


There was a distance between them. He kept looking at her, reluctant to look away, as if he wanted to deeply bear her 

appearance in his mind.


In the camera, Bertram's gaze was so intent and burning that it was difficult for Rosiley to ignore it.


She sighed softly, then put down her camera and looked up to meet his eyes.


The moment their gazes met, Bertram felt that the clamor around him was gradually fading away, and Rosiley was the only person left in front of him.


They looked at each other as if a century had passed.


be noticed that Bertram was staring at


was disappointed. The


notice Bertram's


follow his sight inadvertently. When Alfred saw that familiar


slightly, looked


Raye also came to the media area to wait for the start of


do you think Mr. Sachin will


around and


Would Sachin


stage. Lane will speak on my behalf.” This was what Sachin had told her. It seemed


knew that Sachin would not come, she would not tell Raye


Sachin will appear or not?" Rosiley looked sidelong at Raye. "Besides, the party will continue even if he doesn't show up. We just need to focus


softly, "I just want to


"Raye, it doesn't matter if you fail to


day?" Raye frowned, "What if this day will come after


again and smiled at


profile and frowned slightly. Why did he feel that her tone was very certain? It didn't seem like she had


that Rosiley knew something inside, so


it was reasonable for Rosiley, who was quite famous in the media circle, to have any inside




sure that he would be able to interview Mr. Sachin very soon, he wouldn't persist on today's


in the guest area closest to the stage with her father. She was looking at her

melodious piano music, conversations between her father and others, and shouts


they were mixed together,


of the ridicule of her opponent and the complaint of her teammates, she dropped


the back of the chair. Her gaze fell on the




keep her father company, then she should have


know if he came alone tonight or with his date. If he had


thinking, tortured


help but curse and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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