The convenient Bride

Chapter 313: They Are True Love

Why didn't you say anything then?


There seemed to be an edge to it. Rosiley took a deep breath and said, "You're angry, aren't you?"


She looked somewhat aggrieved. Sachin raised his eyebrows slightly and curled up his lips, "Aren't you the same?"


Rosiley curled her lips and admitted frankly, "I am.”


Sachin nodded. "So am I, then."


Rosiley was at a loss for words.


Frustration hit her suddenly, which convinced her that she was making it worse by getting mad herself.


She let out a heavy sigh and looked at Sachin seriously as she said in the same earnest tone, "Bertram and I are just friends."


Sachin stared at her without saying a word.


His eyes were too dark for her to read his thoughts.


After a long stretch of silence, he finally opened his mouth and spat two simple words—


"l know."


So? He said he knew. He didn't misunderstand her and Bertram, nor did he not believe her. But why was he angry?


She couldn't understand.


Perhaps noting her confusion, Sachin continued, "It's not that I don't believe you. The one I don't believe is Bertram.”


"Huh?" Rosiley was even more confused.


Why didn't he believe Bertram?


Sachin leaned back into the sofa, his hands crossing in front of his chest. His heavy gaze fell on her confused face, and the 

corner of his lips slowly curled up, "He likes you."


After a short moment of surprise, Rosiley came to her senses and asked tentatively, "Are you afraid that he would do 

something to me?"


is not as simple as he seems to


Rosiley thought for a moment,


her directly, he asked, "Why do you think he has become so popular in the entertainment industry


of his acting skills


stupid. Wasn't that


could succeed in the entertainment industry just by


said, "It is a complicated industry. I don't know about others, but Bertram does succeed because of his appearance and


was backing Bertram, Sachin did not take it seriously. He chuckled softly, "I do not deny his


that he got to where he is today by his impressive


what he wanted


Sachin smiled, "Perhaps."


Rosiley raised her eyebrows. He didn't admit


the reason. I just want to tell you that he is not as simple as


With all that said, he was just afraid that Bertram would do


down, she believed that Bertram was not a calculating man. At the very least, he wouldn't do anything


say it out loud. Sachin was unhappy already. If she voiced


raised her right hand, and pretended to be convinced, “I promise I won't see


while before he curled up his lips, "You volunteered for


like bargaining for


with annoyance. "Right, you didn't


I not compromise when you've made


awfully frustrated and


assurance, Sachin's mood


his back and thought for a moment before


going upstairs to call


that, Rosiley stood up and turned


"Rosiley,’ Sachin stopped her.


She turned around and gave


faintly, his eyes dark and mysterious. His calm voice came from

our relationship?”


eyes widened in




the end, they didn't make it public. They just asked Murphy to have the PR



time, Bertram’'s studio


and Bertram had indeed met in the car downstairs at

friends instead of lovers,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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