The convenient Bride

Chapter 330: Is Pretending to Be Sick OK?

After Xenia finally got out of the detention center, she was in hospital.


To Xenia, the hospital was just a different place for her to be imprisoned.


This somehow annoyed her.


"Rorey, can't I go home?" Xenia looked at Rorey doubtfully.


Knowing that she was unhappy, Rorey comforted her, "Mom, this is a special situation. Just hold your horses for now. We'll go home in a while.”


"Can we really go home?" Xenia did not believe what she said.


Rorey smiled helplessly, "Mom, of course we can. When the time comes, I'll tell the hospital that you only need to go home and rest."


Xenia frowned. "Will this do—pretending to be sick like this? Will Rosiley and the others believe me?"


“With the hospital's certificate, how can they not believe it?” Even if Rosiley didn't believe it, what could she do?




No matter how many times they examined Xenia, the result would be the same.


Therefore, Rorey wasn't afraid that Rosiley wouldn't believe it.




Xenia wanted to say something else, but Rorey directly interrupted her, "Mom, don't worry. Dad arranged all this. There's absolutely no problem."


"You father?" Xenia frowned. Then, her eyes widened and she exclaimed, "You went to see him?"


"Yes, I have." Rorey nodded.


“Mom, why didn't you tell me earlier that there is such a powerful person around us all this time? If you had told me earlier that the Tang Group is mine, I wouldn't have broken up with Yunis."


Rorey was complaining that her mother didn't tell her anything about her biological father. She was blaming Xenia for losing everything.


uneasy and dissatisfied when she found out


wrong with that? He's my father, so it's fine for me to see


coldly, "Do you know what a person he is? Do


nonchalant tone,


shouldn't have


who was angry,


Rorey's biological father. Even though Xenia didn't want to mention it for so many years, she still couldn't change the fact


it was because of him that I could come out, I might as well


why her mother rejected her father so much. No matter how evil her father was, he was currently the strongest backing for Rorey. She had to rely on him to take back what


mother on this issue, so she took a deep breath and softened her tone, "Mom, just be good and stay in the hospital. I will handle the


her daughter, so she said indifferently, "Whatever


getting worse and worse, and the company's stocks


the bank, the bank was still unwilling to lend money to


President Young had no choice but to agree to Maddox's proposal—to exchange shares


President Young was no longer the largest shareholder, indicating that the position of


was very trustworthy. As soon as he received the 30% share transfer letter, he immediately mailed the money to the company's account. The Young


same time, Maddox also proposed to reconvene


could only sigh helplessly and agree to his request. The other shareholders also


heard the news, they


changed ownership, it would be possible that the Young Group


the case, then


couldn't accept


meeting, Candance attended the


Vito also followed.


meeting began, the mood in the meeting room was quite subdued.


Maddox was a Shen.


Group. However, Maddox took advantage of the Yang


the Young Group would probably be renamed the Shen Group in the


was something that President Young and the other


minutes before the meeting started, Maddox appeared, but he didn't come alone. Apart from his assistant, he was

accompanied by a woman.




The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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