The convenient Bride

Chapter 350: I Am Here to Teach You Bitch a Lesson

What kind of girl was she?


Rosiley's fair face emerged in Charlie's mind, and he couldn't help but indulge in his fantasy. She was a girl he yearned for.


"Charlie?" Griselda called when seeing that her son seemed to be lost in thought without answering her question.


Hearing that, Charlie regained his senses. When he met his mother's suspicious gaze, he calmed down and replied casually, 


"She's just an ordinary girl.”


“An ordinary girl, then how can she deserve Sachin?" Griselda deliberately emphasized the word "ordinary". She turned around and saw Benson's face darken, laughing to herself.


“Call him back to the Capital!" Benson said in a deep voice, as if he was trying to suppress his emotions.


Griselda nodded, “OK, I'll call Sachin.”


Afterwards, she cast a glance at Charlie with a triumphant look.


Charlie raised his eyebrows as a response. It seemed that his mother was going to deal with Sachin again.


After taking some time off, Yayoi finally came back to work after her parents returned home safe.


Because she had been on leave for so long, Rosiley had helped her with most of her work. Therefore, there was a lot of work for handover between them after she came back.


Looking at a mass of numbers on the computer, Yayoi felt a headache. She bent over the desk and complained, “If I had 

known that there would be so much work, I wouldn't have come back.”


Hearing this, Rosiley, who was sitting beside her, chuckled and teased, “Well? Does that mean you want to marry Maddox?"


"What?" Yayoi looked up and pretended to be unhappy by glaring at her. "Nothing has even happened yet. What nonsense are you talking about?”


Rosiley revealed a meaningful smile. “Is that so? Didn't you give him a hint that day at your house?”


I?" Yayoi raised her eyebrows


on the head. “You know


anxious. "No, don't tell him that. As a woman in the new era, I will


be an independent women. So, please hurry up and


work, Yayoi was frustrated with her shoulders down. She looked at the computer in dismay and said, "If I had known it would be


they couldn't finish the handover of


finish the handover. Rosiley suggested resting


She stood up and moved her aching neck. Then she sat down again, turned off PowerPoint and opened up


this, Rosiley frowned in surprise, “Are


hit Korean drama.” Yayoi typed quickly on the keyboard and replied without looking


It could only be cornier. She tumed around and


to watch the drama, a shrill voice suddenly broke the silence


“Yayoi, come out!”


over. Seeing the figure standing at the entrance of the office,




the unexpected visitor. Someone recognized her. “Isn't this Candance, whose


and frowned at Candance. What was this woman doing here? Judging from

to make


to prevent her from doing anything to Yayoi, Rosiley sent a


she went up


nodded, stood up and walked towards


a few


who looked unfriendly, and asked in


Candance sneered. With hatred surfacing in her eyes, she revealed a weird smile. “I'm here to teach

you bitch a lesson.”


out something from her bag and splash


“Yayoi, be careful!”


cried out in alarm, subconsciously stepping forward to


corrosive. The moment

heart sank.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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