Chapter 10


This shouldn’t be happening right now. Even though I know exactly what this is as he looks at my lips. I’m so caught off guard that I don’t react in time.

As I feel his warm breath against my lips while our eyes lock, he places his hand on the back of my neck. The moment he tilts his head. I tell myself to take a few steps back but something tells me it’ll just be a simple kiss, just like yesterday, with only our lips coming in contact,

The moment he places his lips on mine, I’m in for a shock when he parts his lips, his tongue seeking access to mine.

He brings his other hand down to my sensitive waist and that instantly makes me part my lips with a gasp.

The next thing I know, I’m kissing him back as his tongue dominates mine. This is such an unexpected turn of events.

Now with both his hands around waist, I’m trying so hard not to moan against his lips. He’s a jerk, but he’s touching me and kissing me in a way that makes it hard to resist.

Part of me even wants to believe it’s all just a dream, but I can clearly feel his warm breath and wet tongue against mine.

I even feel my nipples harden and the more he kisses me, the more they come in contact with his chest.

Is this all just part of the acting? I don’t even know the answer to that

When I feel him pull away from my lips, I’m so confused with my racing heart that I don’t even open my eyes.

Why did he do this? It wasn’t part of the plan, at least not the tongue part.

As much as I hate to admit it, the kiss itself was sensual.

While I keep my eyes shut just a little bit longer, I hear him snicker so I open my eyes, wondering what’s going on with him.

The moment our eyes meet, he looks at me scornfully as he shakes his head with crossed arms.

“Oh, Vanessa, you’re so pathetic.”

I crease my forehead. “What?”

“Just look at you now, so into this moment. This is what you were waiting for, right?

“What are you talking about?”

“This is exactly the type of moment you desired. You wanted me to hold you, especially last night.”

“Last night?”

“Don’t play dumb. I heard you crying last night and it went on for a long time.”

As soon as he mentions that, my heart aches. Does he know about my mother and my nightmares? I never told him about that Did he find out from my father? No, he wouldn’t tell Dominic without talking to me about it.

thoughts when he continues

you that loudly, it must’ve been quite a moment. Now that we’re out here, I



how sorrowful I was

after that, they trickle down my


such a hypocrite,” he says. “You keep acting bike you don’t want me to touch you but you do. Must ve been quite a lonely wedding night

says that, I look back at him with narrowed eyes as I process what he just said to me. Soon, it all makes

wipe my tears with another scoff. “You think I cried because of you

to act tough. I see right through your He

I can’t help but burst into laughter. Once again, this is such an

hand over my mouth,

I confpose myself, I feel my ribs hurt

face by the gentle wind. “That’s where you’re absolutely wrong/

I said, I see right through you.”

hand on my hip. “For your information, last night was pretty emotional for me only because of something from my past that still shows up

stays silent and

be about you either. My tears had a deep meaning. You’re not dear to my heart. Well, now that

with my head high. I can’t help but giggle a

at me for what I’ve said so far to him and Carmella? by kissing me so passionately? Just to

drift back to the taste of his lips and hands around my sensitive waist, I shake my

to forget.

it shouldn’t take too long. I’ll definitely forget about

I want to explore, the waves crashing into my feet are calling me

get in. This is so refreshing. What an interesting morning


stand in the same spot. It’s because I’m shocked by the realization that

had a deeper meaning, I wanted to make myself believe


Chapter 10

But the

made her bawl her eyes out

the case, that shit doesn’t

I’m disappointed that I was wrong in assuming I had something to do with her tears, I partially

touch. She can try to pretend all she wants,

her in my arms and kissed her

I was right about everything else. Whatever. Fuck this shit

time I should be heading back inside to be with Carmella since I’m done here, but I can’t stop watching her

falls in the back as she sits down. Then, she lays flat in the water until her entire body is submerged. Once she rises, her wet hair looks darker again, just like earlier and several strands cling to her face

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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