Chapter 24


I don’t even know how long it’s been since I crouched down in this aisle but right now, time doesn’t matter to me.

Just by looking at what I’m holding in my hand, I’m so overwhelmed that my lips quiver as I smile.

I’m holding a pink plastic bear and it has these large soulful eyes looking at me with a childlike wonder. Holding it in one hand isn’t even enough as it has a plump cuddly body.

As I trail my fingertips along the black and white bow around its neck, my quivering lips widen even more as I chuckle.


The bear still has the same design I’ve always known, including the radiant yellow heart that’s clutched tightly in its stubby paws.

Hook away for a moment, telling myself to keep it together, but only a few seconds later, I look back at the bear and hold it with love.

The next thing I know, my vision blurs from the tears that stream down my face.

When I lost my mother a long time ago to cancer, she died in her hospital bed while holding this exact type of bear in one hand, while the other one was wrapped around me.

Ever since I lost her, I never wanted to see this type of bear again as it only brought me pain.

But seeing it now after so long, I don’t only feel pain, but also the heartwarming memories of my mother’s last days alive.

The more my vision blurs, the more my hand trembles and I don’t know what to do.

Suddenly, I feel a pair of hands on my arms and I’m picked off the floor. I don’t even know who it is but I don’t care. I’m too overwhelmed

with emotions.

In a split second, the pair of hands make me turn around and it’s only then that I realize I’m looking at Dominic.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he whispers to me, placing his hands on the sides of my face.

His eyes widen with curiosity as he looks into mine, waiting for me to speak, but I can’t.

Squeezing the bear in my hand, I sniffle as I look away, but he instantly places his fingers under my chin to make me look back at him. The moment I da, he quickly wipes my tears, then places his soft lips on mine. Taken by surprise, I squeeze the bear tighter as I stop crying and focus on the sensation of his lips and warm breath.

Our tongues aren’t even involved but I can feel him and his other hand rests at the back of my head.

When he pulls away, I’m unable to hide how shocked I am as my eyes dart between his lips and gaze.

in my ears and I feel a

now come here.” He wraps his arm around me and

a moment it to come back to reality and when I do, I hear the shoppers

watching us right now,” he

I let you

make sure you smile.”

Or maybe I was too carried away to keep


20 THU,

Chapter 24

a show, but it fades when

with everyone watching, seemingly amazed by how Dominic’s handling my emotional state, their voices fade out as

to seem as a loving and supportive husband, but for me, being in his brace and feeling his warm lips on my forehead is the type of comfort I needed in this

get what we came here for and head to the hospital.” Even though he whispers, he sounds a little harsh but right now, nothing he says can irritate

my hands and step away from him, I sigh with relief. I really needed that.

this later, but right now, we have to

says, holding

my hand in his, I

we start heading out of that aisle, while I

hand, he says, “Keep your old friend

figure out what he’s talking about and when I do, I look at the bear I still have with me in my other hand. I can’t help but

case is, I don’t p


me just a few minutes to compose myself and when I do,

sections together while acting like we’re deeply in love with each other, I glance around at the shoppers and

like I love him and he means the world to me, but this is the one time I’ve

time to make the payments and he’s about to give the small shopping basket to one of our bodyguards so he can get in line, but I hold on to Dominic’s hand to stop him.

it.” I reach for the basket


I smile




amount of people waiting in line? It’s better if this

I’ll do

Thủ, 4 Ju

Chapter 24

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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