My gaze and tone instanth soften as 1 look at her. “Go on

she explains to me every detail about what happened to her mother and the presence of the same kind of bear, my heart actually breaks a

I can tell it’s not easy for her to talk about this as her voice begins to tremble lightly, I even want to reach for her hand but I stop myself. I’m thinking that would be too much on my end.

Teven think back to how I assumed she cried because she couldn’t have me on our wedding night, but it was actually because she missed her mother and her dream was too heart wrenching. I was so fucking wrong.

“So yeah, that’s about the bear,” she says, trying to mask her emotions behind a firm tone. “I thought someone might bring up what happened in that aisle and I wanted us to be on the same page.”

It takes me a while to speak as I put myself in Vanessa’s shoes. I don’t know what it’s like to lose a parent because I still have both, but I can’t imagine losing them while so young.

Clearing my throat, I say, “Great, I’m glad you’ve told me now. I’m certain my parents will definitely bring it up.”

When we arrive at my parents‘ house, the front doors open for us and we walk hand in hand.

“Act like you love me.” I whisper to her with a fake smile.

She places her other hand on my chest with a fake smile. “I know that by now. I always do it when it counts.”


After walking past the staff, who all welcome us, we finally make it to the l

living room and my parents and Sophie are there.

Though I’m right here, they seem more focused on Vanessa as they mention her first and only mention me afterwards. I can’t help but roll my eyes. I guess I should really get used to this, even if I’m already getting tired of it.

my arm and rushes to Sophie first with excitement, who shows the same kind of enthusiasm.

She instantly lets go of m

e two of them then share a heartwarming hug and giggle.


“I have so much to talk to you about!” Sophie says to her.

“Me too! I’m glad you came,” Vanessa says, breaking the hug, then looks over at my parents and gracefully approaches them

“Welcome, my

My father embraces her

mother gently pats her on the back as they share a

to get here.

mother looks around after breaking the hug and it makes me wonder if she’s referring to me. I’m right here. Can’t

all makes sense.

Chapter 31


here,” Jake says, coming from the other room while fixing his shades. I’m actually surprised

surprised to see him that I raise my

big brother and I’m glad I came early. Have you seen the weather outside? There might be an oncoming storm. Anyway

for her and she smiles at him. When she goes in for a hug, he wraps his arms around the narrowest part of her waist and I can see his wide smile. He holds her a little bit

firmly and lowers his shades to feast his eyes on her. “You look beautiful, as always.”

smiles at him. “I really didn’t expect to see you here.

I said, I wanted to

thought you

couple in town,” I chime

that the same thing? Jake shrugs at


change in statements and how his interest in Vanessa

like to see the car collection I’m currently working on?” Jake takes out his phone as he stands close

“Of course.”

said I wanted to talk to

the living room. I know they love her and treasure her, but they better enjoy it while it lasts. They won’t be so close once I divorce

my parents. This is the perfect time to speak

close to both of them, shutting down my phone in case

father nods. “Son, everyday, you give me reasons to

That’s exactly

at the hospital, I didn’t know she would

her pain from you so she could see everyone at the hospital. I’m glad you took

let her exert any more pressure on

“I know, son.”

preferred carrying her over using the wheelchair!” My mother chuckles. “That’s just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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