
Calling and talking to everyone over the phone makes me feel so much better and after the final call with Mia, I look down at the screen with a smile but still frown a little because now that it's all done, I can still feel some of that pain. I know it won't just go away in one day.

Just as I tie my hair up, my stomach rumbles and I know that I need to eat something. I might not remember much, but it feels like I drank more than I ate last evening, which wasn't good for me.

Right when I'm about to call the butler and give him a set of instructions, I hear the sound of a car engine outside, making me rush over to my window. I poke my head out while not being seen and it's Dominic's car driving by.

Because I haven't spoken to him since last evening, there are two possibilities right now. Either this is when he's coming back from the club since he spent the night in that room or he forgot an important document so he's come back home to get it.

After the car is out of sight, I bring my head back inside my bedroom, resting my head against the wall with crossed arms. Whatever reason it is that he's come back home, I don't care. Getting back to what I was doing before, I call the butler and a few minutes after I talk to him, I hear quick footsteps in the hallway and there's a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I ask, certain that it's not the butler.

"It's me." Dominic says from the other side of the door.

Just hearing his voice makes me clench my fist.

Because I'm still hurt, it doesn't take much for me to have a blank expression and so with that, I open the door for him.

The first thing I notice is that he's in a different suit from last night. He actually seems dressed up for the office and that automatically gets rid of the possibility that he came from the club. Though I noticed the paper bag he has with him, I can't stand the sight of him right now and that's why I don't even ask what's inside.

Shooting him a glare, I cross my arms and say, "What is it?"

"Uh...When did you wake up?"

"Some time ago."


He scratches the back of his head and seeing him act a little awkward almost makes me smile a little, but I keep my poker face.

"If that's all, I have some important things to do," I say to him.

He sighs, his voice and expression gentle. "Last evening, you had too much to drink."

"I know. I can feel the effect even now."

"No you don't know how much you drank. You took shots rapidly."

"That's because I was trying to forget about something."

My response instantly makes him look away and he smacks his lips, continuing to speak without looking at my face.

"After you drank too much, I had to take you up to the room Mike prepared for us in the club."

"Then why did I wake up here?"

"I brought you back home."

"You could've just left me there. I was sleeping anyway."

He shakes his head. "I wanted you to be back home because only two hours after I took you to that room, I wanted to leave the club. It would have only raised suspicions if I slept in another room. I didn't want to be in the same bed with you."

Though I understand what he's saying, I keep my poker face. "You didn't have to take care of me."

"You keep saying that, but you know it's not true. It's my duty to take care of you."

it your duty?" I cross

my eyes, he says,

not to show even the slightest bit of

say, "Is there anything else you want to say to

getting tired of my attitude but

the paper bag he has with him closer to me, he says. "This is

"What is it?"

inside and you'll

from him, suspiciously looking at

hands in his pockets, as if waiting to see

inside, my eyes widen at the other

meal from Flavor Rush." I

had breakfast and I want you to have this. Considering how much you had to drink last night, it's only

about what I'm supposed to do, but I barely pay attention as I'm still

to Flavor Rush to get

have arrived earlier but

when I can order breakfast here to be made for me at any time

you're hurt even though

know what you're talking about."

me. Even when you have a poker face, there are certain things I can see, like the sides of your eyes, which wrinkle


I realize something which makes me look back at

9 a.m. and looking at the time right now, it's 5 minutes past 10. If I take into account the traffic you had to go through,

there around 7 a.m. and my order

How is that possible if the restaurant

"I made a call."

"You did what?"

order. I didn't mind paying for that kind of service. I wanted it to be ready as soon as possible so you could have it for

about all the effort he went through leaves me at a loss for words and I don't know what to say. But it only takes me a few seconds to realize that I'm

"Anything else?" I ask.


close the door, his face quickly leaving my

rest my back against it, my lips curving into a smile

heart a little. It even makes me wonder how much he had to pay. I didn't bother to ask. That would've just made it look like I'm interested. I sit down on my bed, taking out the other paper bag and I chuckle after I open it. It's


not as impatient as before. Not only because there's no more traffic, but also because I gave Vanessa

progress because she accepted it. She could've simply rejected it, which would have been the worst thing to happen and that's what I didn't want. But the fact that

only now that I realize he's working. I'm an idiot for even doing this. Putting my phone

much more than the meal was worth but because it was for Vanessa,

and praise the meals they serve. And that's coming from

my work for the day. I mostly neglect my

send Frank a text that I'm here, we'll obviously only talk about it

how she took the meal from me. I remember the look of surprise on her face and even though it didn't last long, I saw it and

lunch break, Frank knocks once and walks right into my

been with someone

someone important, too,"

my desk and stops right in

tell me. How did it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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