The dinner party was more fun than I thought it would be.

Other than the time that Sylvester went to speak with Vino, he remained by my side all through.

People congratulated the six of us on our upcoming wedding, and I realised it was a big deal. It made me feel nervous.

When I married Leo, it was a tranquil event. Most people did not know. The Mountain pack was small then, and because of that, the activities in the pack were insignificant. We just had a small ceremony where we said our vows in the presence of a few pack members and went home. The celebration was small. We eventually rose to the top together and soon became a big deal in the east.

I knew my marriage with Sylvester would be different. It felt like it would be grand, making me a bit nervous.

I watched Theodore dote on Linda. He paid so much attention that I secretly wished Kyle could see her.

Dominic came to the party with Glenda, but they both seemed to be flirting with other people.

After the party, we retired to the room made available by Vino.

I did not want to stay the night. I wanted to return to the estate and sleep in our bed, but sleeping over was part of the party because we were supposed to have breakfast with the rest of the very important guests in the morning.

The Lawrence family were very wealthy, and I realised they were the fourth most powerful family in our world.

Vino’s family was after Theodore’s family in rank. I could understand why the council gave Vino a tough time because they expected so much from him.

When we entered the room allocated to us, I stepped out of my clothes and wore the nightgown I had brought. The staff had packed a casual outfit for breakfast and nightwear for us to wear in the Lawrence estate. The driver must have helped place our stuff in the room allocated to us.

“What is the matter?” I finally asked Sylvester, knowing something was troubling him, even though he did everything to hide it during the dinner.

He asked me to sit on his lap on the couch in the room, and I obliged.

He reached into my robe and touched my body with his hands. Feeling me, and I moaned gently.

“You should answer my question,” I said, trying to get him to tell me what was troubling him.

He kissed my neck and sighed.

“People forged my signature and seal and sent an order to increase taxes in the west,” he said, and I was stunned.

dinner and did not breathe a word to me. He must think I am a douchebag for throwing a party and inviting him after I ordered an attack on his people. Vino thinks someone close to me

Someone close to you wants to sabotage you. Do you think it is Dominic and that Larry guy?” I asked him,

has the capacity,” He said,

to underestimate people,” I said and paused, realising the

who does he think is behind this?” I asked, wondering what the head of

might be Marcel or Theodore,” he replied, and I

you don’t believe him,” I said with horror,

course not, I do not believe

your best friends, and they are loyal. They have nothing to gain from sabotaging you,”

fall on the Sidorovs, Marcel’s family, followed by the Orlovs, Theodore’s family and then the Lawrence, Vino’s family,” he said, and

that out, but the truth is if that is his reason, then he is as much a

his chin in my hand so

will break your protection and the only defence you have. I know Vino wants to be your friend, but he has no right to point fingers. I think we should look at Dominic and Larry. But I must say, I

for a question and answer session,” he said

resting his nose on

said, and I turned to look

part of it?”

the north or what is going on, but you are my luna; I want you to observe and watch them. I want you to be my eyes. You will see things that I might overlook or be unable to see. I want you there with me,” He said, his eyes pleading with me, and I

slammed me on the bed, making me

closet and


He said, placing the cuff on my hand and cuffing it to the post. The cuff had a soft fabric covering it, so the silver did

my other hand and

at the party, green eyes, and I will

be no safe words; I will determine when to stop,” he said, and my breathing became heavy; I could only smell him. I had no idea what he would do to me,

Then I felt him squeeze my breasts. I felt his wet tongue lick my nipple,

asked me, and

sucked my nipples one at a time, and

body to my navel down to my pussy. I wanted to touch his hair, but my hands

my head. I felt him suck my clit, and I moaned louder. He did not stop and was consistent with what he was doing. Licking and sucking my nerve bundle,

the build-up. I craved him to give me the

to, green eyes?” He asked me with a low growl, and I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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