Chapter 148 – ~Sylvester~

We walked into the building and found Larry sitting on the couch in the living room.

There was rage inside me, but I controlled it.

Devin advanced toward him, but something was wrong with the scene. He was too calm about the situation for comfort.

By now, he should have reached out to his security and found out they are dead.

“I see she talked,” He said and turned to look at us.

Devin stopped moving towards him. I guess he too, sensed something was wrong.

“I must commend you for getting this far, Sylvester,” he said without addressing me by my title, which showed that he had given up pretences.

“When you took over from Maurice, we believed it would be easy. You weren’t so difficult like your father and easy to manipulate because you tried not to be like him. Then the eastern bitch came into your life, and suddenly you weren’t so hasty anymore,” he said and shook his head gently to show he was stressed.

His eyes were fixed on me. He wasn’t paying attention to others.

“I must tell you, it wasn’t easy watching you beat our moves. Maybe the story would be different if your mother had not murdered Jenny,” he said, and I realised he had been the one talking since we entered. Was he buying himself time?

“You can spill your guts in custody,” I said, and Devin moved toward him. He stood up and smiled at Devin.

“Step back, Devin,” I heard Tamia say.

“He has dust in his hand,” she said, and I noticed the small pouch he was holding.

Devin stepped back gently, and Larry held out his pouch.

The silver in it was enough to kill us if we inhaled it.

He could kill all of us, including himself, so we had to be careful.

Devin returned to where we stood, and we had to find a better way to catch him without dust getting in the air.

The way he sat there meant he must have been expecting us. It also meant that he knew we were coming for him.

were coming?”

official in Gad,”

commend you for that call; it almost threw me off,” He said, and I chuckled

well enough for you to be relaxed,” I said, and he

with a broad

It is not in your bloodline. Your family isn’t even

easy. Your new council members are here with you, so when Corrigan and Albert are no more, what do you think will happen?” he said

and someone is already situated to take them out. Once they do not hear from me, they will gun

only you left your bitches at the estate, it would have been easier, but the one you left there would do just fine; we have enforcers there that work for me,” He said, and Theodore began to growl because he had just implied he would

bullets aren’t easy to come by due to our laws, but I had some made especially for this. See this more like a cleansing. A cleansing from the bloodline that has held our world ransom for centuries. Liberation of the people,”

the people were complaining?” I asked him, and he

after you won’t be like Maurice and the ones before him? You must understand that I

said it that made me feel

remained silent, waiting to learn all he had to say. I also noticed his eyes remained focused

the room. He could only do that if he had

dust he carried was lethal

been given the position. Your entire family should have been wiped out. I failed the

still young when that happened. he had wiped out everyone leaving only Ramsey. Ramsey’s survival was a miracle since the

lay low for a long time. I had even

royals that ruin lives because I did not think you

allow your bloodline to continue to

are lineages of sick bastards that do not deserve to

vendetta, so I decided to find

hatred that would make you go this far and sacrifice lives?”

accused my father of. He had recruited people, tricked them, and disposed of them, minors included, and that

children that were yet to start their lives. You lied to people, turned them against each other, and then gave them up to suffer for your crimes. You are worse than my father; you are evil,” I told him, and he

sit well with him. Somehow in his twisted mind, he was doing the right thing. He believed he was making

talking him out of his insanity. For him to have carried the grudge

him, yet he has been more of a menace to me than he was to my father. He was a coward because he did it

at Tamia a bit

then, but now you will,” he said with

roaming free. He must have endured a trauma that destroyed him,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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