Chapter 160 ~Sylvester~

The day of Larry’s hearing was finally upon us. It was not supposed to be long, but we had to brace ourselves for surprises. I watched Tamia stand in front of the mirror in the closet, admiring her brooch. It was one of the many decorative accessories she was given to use in her official capacity as Queen.

Today she would not be a guest in the King’s Hall, but the Queen and I looked at her proudly. We had come a long way and still had a long way to go. Ending Larry’s madness was just a phase, but we had the right to breathe and celebrate.

I went to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind. I touched her bump gently in the process. The free-flowing short gown she was wearing covered it up. She closed her eyes and smiled. I could tell that she was genuinely happy. That was all I ever wanted. She turned to face me, and we kissed passionately.

Breaking the kiss, she smiled at me.

“So today is the day we put all of this behind us,” She said, and I smiled, nodding.

We left our room and headed out. We would be leaving for the city in a convoy. Unlike before, when we all shared a limo, it would be just Tamia and me in our Limo while the others shared another Limo. It was the only downside of being a king. The invisible line that separated us during official occasions was a bother, but we could bear it.

We arrived at the King’s Hall with a crowd cheering for us.

The people were still grateful for what happened at the Lucland general hospital. They saw us as heroes, and I was glad that Larry’s last move made us more popular with our people.

Thinking of everything, I wondered how Larry believed he would be King. Lucas was right to question Larry’s resolve.

He should not have had that many resources to pull off the stunt that he did, but an angry, determined man could do anything, and to think all that he was fighting for was built on a lie was highly annoying and disappointing.

Emily had misled him and put him into a situation where he would commit unnecessary blunders.

Although Larry had a wife now, he ruined and broke another woman’s heart to seek revenge for his first love, who did not care for him. She was trying to climb the social ladder by all means.

a sad and disappointing story I was not

the people at the entrance. They were overjoyed to see us, and Tamia

It had only two chairs strictly reserved for the King

in Dominic’s old box. I was sure everyone had learned about Vino’s heritage, and all that Jenny and my father had tried to

was with her. We hid Lucas in the

Larry would try to take as many down

players were present too. Amanda, Ramsey, Jacob Makhailov, Gatson Wayat and Neil Peakman were lined

rest were already judged

years, others will have to die. We could not occupy our cells, and we

Something had to give.

what role they all

They were the pioneers of the uprising; the rest of the people were just tools, and they would suffer for allowing themselves to be used in such

in charge of the council and the Lawrence seat was vacant, we needed someone else to take control. All the top families were no longer on the council, making the council

vote on who will lead them, and I hoped they


Hall and witness the hearing. Then he stated what we were all

quickly before informing everyone

discussing the crimes of the following people. Larry McMillian, Amanda Richford, Ramsey Richford, Jacob Makhailov, Gaston Wayat and Neil Peakman. They have conspired and committed treason and must be tried and punished for their crimes.” Devin said, and I

There was no way they would go free or receive a slap

silent, and Devin

read Amanda’s crimes, and she pleaded guilty. The same was done for Gaston Wayat, and he

difficult; he

have the right to an investigation. These are baseless allegations laid against me. It is my right to request an investigation,” he said, looking at his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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