Novel {Book 2} Chapter 9 – ~Amelia~

I returned to my room in a low spirit. Alpha Leo came out of his shell today, but my experience with Joyce was low. He even introduced me as his girlfriend, and I should have been thrilled about it but knowing he was determined never to go that far made it roll off me.

I sat at the foot of the bed and looked around me. He had broken some personal rules on my behalf, but it was out of pity, and that was one thing I detested. I hated pity because it screamed that I was in a bad situation next to hopeless. I fought my tears.

“Why are you emotional,” Aurora asked, and I chuckled.

“Our skin isn’t that thick, Aurora. Some things hurt. I might not have been bothered before, but how everyone has looked at me lately and described me, especially around Alpha Leo, bothers me. How would he want to try with a creepy-looking freak? I am not stupid, and neither are you. We both know my eyes are a minus for us.” I told my wolf, and she was silent a bit.

“So, are we giving up?” She asked, and I chuckled.

“No, we aren’t. I am just bracing myself for the days ahead,” I said, and my wolf was delighted.

I wondered why she would think I would just walk away from what was rightfully mine.

I might be a second chance mate, but I planned to be a good one.

It is obvious he had a bad experience the first time, and maybe that is why he is guarded with me.

I will investigate what happened to understand his mindset. No way will he see me as a sister. I won’t settle for that.

I wiped away my tears and went to wash my face in the bathroom to look fresh.

I headed out to make something for both of us to eat. Seeing all we had was iced coffee; I knew he would be hungry.

I exited my room and found him busy on his laptop. I guess the fun was over, and it was back to work for both of us.

I did not speak to him, so I won’t break his concentration. I just walked towards the kitchen.

“Still up?” He asked me with a gentle voice.

“It’s just eight in the evening, Alpha, and Iced coffee can’t serve as dinner,” I chuckled. He did the same. At least I had said something to brighten up our moods.

“Well, in that case, I would want a sandwich, and I want you to show me how to make mine, just in case I want one when you are not around,” He said, and I looked at him and smiled.

I held my response and nodded.

The truth was, I planned to always be there. He will soon find out.

Alpha Leo got into the kitchen with me and wore an apron. He knew his way about the kitchen, so I guess he must have been making his meals for a while.

“Shall we?” he asked with a smile, and I nodded.

Making the sandwiches was fun. He occasionally tried to crack a joke, and I realised he wasn’t such a complicated guy. I guess things happened to him that toughened him up.

I hoped he would be able to open up one more time. After our adventure in the kitchen, which we both over-ate, we retired to our rooms, and he said good night for the first time. I didn’t let it get to my head, but it was an improvement.

Six weeks passed, and I had gained weight. It was amazing watching it slowly pile on. I was still slim, but I wasn’t looking like a skeleton.

Alpha Leo was kind to me.

He even stopped me from cleaning his house, but I refused.

the omegas tried to do to me, I did not trust them, so I

finally gave me a day off, and I had some money to go shopping, so

been looking forward to it, hoping it will change how he looks at

have cared about my looks in the past, but I did now. I had a

noticed it when he joined me in the

our meals on the table, and he sat

had started eating together at the table, and I was

the Alpha, and I let it fly. As long as I wasn’t the one spreading the rumour, it was okay, and maybe the rumour might be

happy?” Alpha Leo asked me while

going shopping with my salary,” I told

thought I got you everything you needed,” He asked because he had made it a duty to take me shopping on Saturdays. We didn’t buy

my head with

he frowned at me, wondering what was personal that he would see. Realising how it sounded, I shook

relieved. The relief in his eyes was hurtful, but I let it

the table and did the

a blouse that showed a little cleavage. I admired myself in the mirror and was glad. I could look at myself in the mirror for the first time and not feel bad. I knew I looked

approval and

wondered why he had not left for the

started and then stopped

something was off about my outfit. I began to

there is nothing wrong with you. You look nice,” he said, and I looked at

you, Alpha. I am heading out,”

was roaming the streets

said he would take

said, and my smile dropped. I knew the Delta had

I said, not wanting to get Gabriel in

you need anything, you can call me,” he said,

a small phone, and I looked

It’s your phone,”

is on it. You call me in case you need anything, and I can call you in

I wanted to head out

Gabriel will come and get you

We headed out.

could see jealous stares and lustful stares. I did not get it. It was a norm for a week now, so I ignored

date?” Alpha Leo asked me while we walked, and I

him to take me to town to buy what I wanted,” I said, refusing

“I see,” he said.

a kappa take you,” he

want any kappa near me,” I said, and I could hear

and looked at

way the day we met. Do you have issues against Kappas?” He asked me, and I shook

does not suit you,” he said, and I looked away, ashamed that

to walk until we got

but I just wanted to sit at

sat, I realised if I did not contact Delta Gabriel, he would not

tried to link the Delta but met silence. Where was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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