Novel {Book 2} Chapter 11 – ~Amelia~

I was really done with everything. I realised it wasn’t about me when Leo cautioned me about the lens.

It wasn’t my fault that someone messed up in his past; it wasn’t my fault that I was born with unique eyes.

I only got that lens so people, especially him, would stop staring when talking to me.

Most people squint as if they are trying to figure me out. I just want to be normal for a change.

I wasn’t desperate, but I wanted to give it a try. I have never been in a relationship and never had anyone close to family, so it was logical that I wouldn’t want to let go of my fated mate easily.

After spending almost two months with Leo, I saw him open up a little and realised he wasn’t as complicated as I thought, but he wasn’t willing to try.

I got the contacts to make it easy because he looked too hard, just like everyone else, and I didn’t want people to always ask him if I were blind. I knew it got to him, so I chose to do the only sensible thing so we could focus on other things.

The way he behaved when he saw the lenses broke my heart.

I have never been the type to dwell on an issue. I realised his opinion of our relationship would not change. It had nothing to do with my background. He didn’t see me that way, and I could not settle for less.

So I said my piece. I said it all, so I won’t regret anything when I leave.

I went to my room and started packing.

I did not want to think of it. I knew I would change my mind if I did, but it wasn’t healthy. He had pleaded with me to accept the rejection before, so I decided to listen and accept.

I knew he was surprised to see me with my bags packed. Thanks to his generosity, I had things to pack in a bag. I was grateful for them, but it was time to move on.

I said my final words to him and was about to accept his rejection when he kissed me. He kissed me and said he would try, but that wasn’t enough. I needed more from him, so I gently broke away from him.

“Don’t say you will try because you don’t want me to leave,” I told him; knowing that was his reason, he was speechless.

It was pretty much his assumption that a kiss would make it okay.

in, Alpha? What happens tomorrow and the day after that?” I asked

than what you are willing to give me, Alpha. I

too. You aren’t the only one that has been hurt. You aren’t the only broken party in this. You do not know half

friends and family; I have none. Nothing to smile about in my past, but I was still willing to open up. I

because my experience with them hasn’t been so great, but I

be okay with it when I know it is meant to be more.” I said, fresh tears

freedom, but I do not understand why I have to pay for

to hold on to my bond. Fate did not force me to; I


you will try just to keep me from leaving is low,” I said

said, Amelia,” he

commitment. I need to know you will give it a hundred per cent and not look back. I need to know you won’t compare me to her. I need to know I won’t suffer for her crimes,” I said, and he

truly try, then it is best you let me go because I can’t continue hanging like this, Alpha. I can’t. I would rather leave and settle elsewhere where I can forget I met you and move on with my life,” I told him, knowing I was serious about

tried to step back, but he

me. Everything is fresh

I know I will wait

willing to try with you. I will be a fool not

been amazing. I have laughed more than I did in a while. I have gone to bed happy,” he said

got to know you without my wolf’s interference and am choosing to try now. It has been hard controlling myself around you. I have held my feelings at a safe distance, but today, I realised I was only fooling myself,” He said,

town with anyone other than me. I was restless all through,”

They remind me of the full moon at night. That is why I call

let you leave, not without trying. Deep down, I feel it is right, but I am afraid of losing myself again and messing everything up,”

together instead of pushing me away,”

a bit, but no sound came from them. Then he crashed his lips on mine, lifting me up,

earthy scent filled my senses, intoxicating me, and I

my neck and sucked on my sweet spot. No touch had ever felt good, but

my bedroom, and I was suddenly nervous when he laid

kiss to look at me. He searched my eyes, and I knew I had fear in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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