Novel {Book 2} Chapter 15 – ~Leo~

I haven’t woken up feeling giddy in a long time. I did this morning, and I liked it.

Amelia was still asleep, and she looked peaceful.

I touched her hair gently, careful not to disturb her sleep.

I noticed the roots of her hair were platinum blonde, so I planned on talking to her about it later.

It looked like she dyed her hair brown. I wouldn’t put it past her. It was cute, and it made me chuckle.

I snuck out of bed and out of her room.

Stepping out, I saw Max on my couch, drinking coffee.

He looked at me and smiled, but the smile did not touch his eyes. He was still processing his loss, and I knew it would take a while before he could recover from the pain.

“Good morning, Alpha. Glad to see you are finally letting up,” he said, and I smiled at him.

“Did you sleep well?” I asked him, and he rolled his eyes.

“Between my heartache and the sounds of your activity in that room, you could just imagine how well I slept,” He said and chuckled.

I knew Amelia and I were a bit loud, but it was my house, so he had to manage.

“Goddess Leo, you did not spare that woman,” He said, and I told him to mind his business.

“I got the mail,” he told me, and I frowned at him.

“Sylvester approved the hearing of my case for this week. Thank you, Leo. I know you had to pull some strings,” he said, sounding very grateful, and I nodded.

“Besides, we are going to the eastern alpha meeting this morning. I have called everyone,” I told him, and he did not look too enthusiastic.

“Those Alphas are wimps. The guy will scare them into agreeing with his conduct. They wouldn’t want him to come for their packs. As things are now, he can go for any pack, and there is no law stopping him from doing it,” Max said, and I knew he was right.

It was also one of the reasons why I wanted to meet with Alexie. I needed to read him and decipher his intentions in the east.

It isn’t every time a northern Alpha comes to the east, marries a woman, and takes over her family’s pack by force.

He must have a goal, and I need to know what it was so we do not have issues in the future.

The alphas might think it is Max’s problem now, but I could see ahead, and it did not look good for us.

I went into my room to prepare for the day, so I could head to the meeting.

I opened my closet, and Tamia’s clothes were still in them. I hadn’t been able to give them away. I had paced them in boxes and would have sent them to her, but I couldn’t.

room still felt like it belonged to her, and I

showered and got dressed. By the time I came out, Max was already

Shall we?” he asked, and

go to that meeting on an empty stomach,” I said, moving towards

wanted to make a sandwich for Amelia and

doing,” Max asked me, and I

of the sandwiches Amelia showed me,” I said,

Max asked, and I froze while cutting the bread. I wished he didn’t use

I give what we have a label. Let’s

the same mistake twice trying to be careful,” He said, and I

some sliced pieces in the toaster and looked at

I asked him, and he moved

is nothing like Amanda. At this rate, you might end up hurting her, Leo. Do not put her in competition

her as a girlfriend, then let her go before both of you get burnt,” he said, and I was a bit annoyed that he would spoil my

let her go. I felt bad for breaking my promises and being weak when I should have been strong. I was trying not to allow my emotions

my time and make sure she is right for her and for me before I jump. I am sure she understands and can wait,” I said, and he stared at me a bit

lie if I told you I did not think of Avery and how

every word. I should have trusted my wife. We had been through so much together, so I

betraying me, and Michelle died eventually, leaving me with nothing but

I do not feel like pushing anymore,” he said and

do not deserve to run a pack. However this hearing goes, I will be fine if you absorb me into your pack along with my people too. I

do not

I cared, and I tried,” he confessed, and

not believe what Max had just told

us hope for the best,” I said, and Max smiled. He had told me his

making three sandwiches. One for me, one for Max and the last for Amelia when she wakes up. I also left her a note,

house and

Alphas waiting. Max and

more recognition and respect. No one wanted to

to sit at


found a place

did not care. I looked at all the alphas present until my eyes

and so was his beard. His eyes were grey

weird eye

Alexie must have western or eastern

was bulky and

and his aura screamed of danger. Sizing him up, I knew I could take him, but I would not do anything that

meeting,” I said, and they

King is already interested in this matter. Still, I wanted to see if we could solve it among ourselves to avoid taking it

what happened at

He won the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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