Chapter 79

Francine did not dare to tell them the reason why she came to the police station. She was afraid Jeremy and Pamela would stop her. Therefore, she walked past them and entered the police station to ask the question that was troubling her.

“Mister officer, I’d like to ask if there is a male and female being detained because they were conducting illegal activity in Holden International Hotel?”

The officer looked at her and answered truthfully, “Yes, there is. What’s the matter?”

Francine requested, “Can I meet the woman who got detained? I think I know her!”

It just did not make sense to her. Corinne should be the one who got detained, but how did Corinne go back home safe and sound? Thus, she had to make sure with her own eyes the detained woman was not Corinne. Otherwise, she just could not let it go!

However, the police officer shook his head. “Unfortunately, the suspected female lawbreaker ran away during the arrest. My colleagues are still looking for her at this moment.”

‘That’s it! Of course she got away!’ Francine thought.

Her eyes sparkled brightly and said, “I have a

officer was surprised. “You do? This is a serious matter, and it’s not something you should

to the officer. Corinne was standing by the side and quietly

that, Francine reported persistently, “Officer, this is the woman you’re after! Take a good

fast. When Pamela finally reacted, she hissed,

insisted that she was not wrong. “Grandma, don’t panic. You’ll know the

while he checked out

woman my colleagues describe in their report. They’re wearing the same clothing too. The height and figure

this woman right here! She didn’t just lose her belongings accidentally, but she’s the one

police officer entered a

to look at his trouble-making sister and angrily growled,

trust me! This is the truth! I’m just trying to show you who Corinne really is. Stop letting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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