Chapter 318

“I was just guessing. You’ve been so nice to me recently and not to mention I’m your wife in name, so I knew for sure that you were going to help me out. Except for you, there’s no one else in the world who’d help me find a new witness like that,” explained Corinne in a flattering way.

Jeremy glanced coldly at her. “Did you really know for sure that I was going to help you out for sure?”

“Of course! I’ve always known that,” Corinne answered with a smile that did not reach her eyes.

Jeremy scoffed softly. “So you didn’t curse me in your heart when I didn’t go back to the hospital to spend time with you last night?”

Corinne did not know what to say for she did, in fact, cursed


She heard from Annie yesterday that Jeremy did not come back at all after sending Anya off from the hospital. She guessed that the two old lovers must have gotten carried away by their conversations and did not think too much about it. However, she became upset when she thought that Jeremy was just like everyone else who believed that she was the one who hurt Anya.

Therefore, she did curse him in her heart, but not for the reason he thought.

Jeremy took her silence to mean her admission to the accusation. He smirked provocatively and spun the steering wheel with his hand to turn the car around the corner.

Chapter 318


to investigate something, and when I came back, you were already asleep. Then, I needed to attend to some urgent matter in the morning, so I left before

and thought,

Jeremy asked with

head. “No, I believe you. You have no reason to lie to me. Anyways, I just want to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to help me find the

face. “Tommy was the one who was in charge of finding the witness since I had my hands full with another

so important that it requires you to personally attend

at guessing, so why

possibly guess

It probably has something. to do with Miss Anya since you’re willing to personally

Jeremy put on the emergency brake, causing the car to skid to the pavement, and the tires to screech loudly. Corinne instinctively

Chapter 318


came to a halt. She looked sideways

He narrowed his eyes at her and said, “Nothing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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