Chapter 351

Sunni’s resolve was

Late at night, Anya secretly snuck in some food for Sunny.

The two bodyguards standing guard at Sunni’s door hesitated to let her in but in the end thought they might as well. They knew Lucas had always given Anya whatever her heart desired.

Therefore, even if Lucas was there himself, he would have let her in too.

Besides, they did not want to risk incurring Lucas‘ wrath. What if Anya went to tell on them?

Therefore, the safest option for them to take was to simply let her in.

When Anya went in, Sunny was lying face down on the bed and crying his heart out.

“Sunny? Sunny, get up. You’ll suffocate like that.”

Sunny was startled to hear Anya’s voice. He immediately sat up straight and wiped away the tears from his eyes. Then, he turned around to face her and said tearfully, “Anya, what are you doing here? How come you’re not asleep?”

“I can’t sleep ‘cause I’m so worried about you, so I thought why not drop in for a visit.” Anya pulled some tissues out from the box and walked over to wipe away Sunni’s tears. “Just look at you. You shouldn’t cry like this since you’re a big boy now.”

that the tears just fell out of their own accord. In fact, what Anya said to him made him even angrier. “Anya, I was falsely accused. I didn’t do what Lucas said I did. The reason I had the female influencer’s phone in my hand today was

away Sunni’s tears froze midair while a sinister

don’t get it. What makes her so special that everyone. wants to help her out? Not only did Lucas spend his time investigating the source of the leak, but even the usually cowardly Sunny dared

a weird expression on her face. “Anya, what are

is. He only believes what he sees for himself and will not be swayed just because you’re his little brother. He’ll never go easy on you since you don’t have proof that you weren’t the one

to apologize for something I

going to force you… It’s just that, you know my biggest wish is to marry Jeremy and spend the rest of my life with him. But because

do that at the moment. Now the matter with the video will only worsen what little left of goodwill we have with the Holden family. I might just as well give up the hope

tears threatened to roll down her cheeks. Anyone with a heart would have felt

would do

I think Jeremy and

but it’s not like he can just ignore her. She’s his

well taken care of.”

was going to say. I really think Jeremy treats Corinne

Holden family to know that everything is fake. He’s only being nice, protective, and gentle to her on the surface. It’s all for the sake of his own family’s reputation, not because he has feelings

happy and that he’ll end the marriage after his grandfather’s health is

him would never fall in love with another woman in

reasoning was sound. The Jeremy he knew would never fall in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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