Chapter 368

The bloody–faced female nurse repeatedly stabbed the dead Sunny. Yash finally came to his senses and realized the seriousness of the situation. “Hey! Hey! What are you doing?! Stop!”

Upon hearing the voice, the female nurse stopped moving and raised her bloody face to look at Yash. A half–smile appeared on her face as she asked sullenly, “You wanted me to stop? Didn’t you tell the receptionist your request that we avoid your group and target this guy? You even said that you wanted to scare him to death! Wasn’t that your request, too?”

Charlene and her friends were incredibly angry after hearing what the female nurse said. They completely forgot about their fear and looked angrily at Yash.

“How can you be so evil, Yash?!”

“Yeah! How could you do this?!”

“Sunny died because of you! Hic, hic…”

Yash was embarrassed and frantic after being accused by his female classmates. He gritted his teeth, stared at the female nurse, and yelled, “What are you talking about? I asked you to scare him, not kill him!”

The female nurse tilted her head like a lifeless mechanical puppet. “Oh! Guess I misunderstood, then. But oh well! It’s too late now!”

In a fit of rage, Yash rushed over quickly and lifted Sunny’s lifeless body from the ground. He shook Sunny vigorously and said, “Hey! Sunny! Sunny! Wake up…”

did not respond, and Yash’s face paled in fear when he saw that both his hands

bloody mask off the female nurse’s face. She smiled eerily, but he was

face with neither eyes nor a nose. All he saw were peachy, smiling lips. Yash’s hair stood on end, and he let go of the nurse while

female nurse approached him with an unnerving smile.

he could not even stand up. “You… Don’t come near me! I didn’t offend you, did

nurse curled her lips coldly, raised the knife in her hand, and looked down at Yash.” Didn’t you just blame me for killing him? Why don’t you keep him company in the afterlife, then? it’s only fair!” exclaimed the nurse just

His four friends wanted to save him, but

were unsure whether or not the nurses were humans or ghosts, but they were surrounded as the nurses cornered them step by

Everyone froze with fright.

Chapter 369


are real ghosts


Anyone! We quit!

closed room other than the sound of the


someone laughed all of a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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