Chapter 417

“I understand what happened now, Anya! You must’ve mistakenly thought Corinne wanted you to kneel down before her but you lost your balance and fell to the ground. Then, Lucas just so happened to see that last part and thought you fell because Corinne kicked you.”

Anya was speechless. ‘Is this idiot really my brother? How can he take her side and not mine?’

Corinne’s eyebrow quirked up. She was surprised by what Sunny said. ‘I guess he finally has some sense knocked into him. He finally believes me after all those times of taking Anya’s side.’

Anya chuckled dryly and added to Sunny’s conclusion, “Yeah, that could be it. I could have misheard since I was feeling a little dizzy from the cold…”

The image Anya liked to portray to others had always been one of kind and gentle, so even though she disagreed with Sunny’s statement, she did not dare to argue with him.

After clearing up the misunderstanding, Sunny excitedly shoved the plate of chicken wing in front of Corinne’s face.

“Here, I’m giving you a chance to try my special sauce chicken wings! They’re a little cold now, but I can guarantee that

you’ve never eaten a chicken wing as delicious as this in your whole life,” he said proudly.

indeed hungry so she did not hesitate to grab a chicken wing from the

is quite good.

smugly. “What did I say? I was telling the truth,

reputation of being the

the praise she was heaping on him and to

the two of them eating and talking happily with each other. She could not help but feel

outsider here?

approached them, “Sunny, can I try the

piece of the chicken wing in a bid

Sunny moved the plate away to prevent

Anya’s face immediately darkened.

forgotten that you’ll get a tummy ache if you eat

happily. “Yes, that’s true. You’re so thoughtful, Sunny. I can always trust you to take care of me, but you should extend that consideration to others too. I’m sure

giving you cold food at all!’ thought

explained to her, “Ahem, don’t take this the wrong way, Corinne. My sister has been sickly since she was young, so she’ll get inflammation in her gut if she eats any cold food. However, for us healthy people, we’ll be fine eating these cold

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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