Chapter 430

Aaron pretended to be embarrassed. “Why me? I’m still a virgin. It’ll be so awkward for me to buy that kind of thing!”

Both Xante and Corinne were speechless.

Aaron was only trying to be funny to liven up the atmosphere but it did not work as both Xante and Corinne were looking at him with disgust and with their mouths in a tight line.

He immediately dropped the act and shrugged. “Okay, okay. I’ll go get the pregnancy test. Huh! I can’t believe that 1, the owner of the Newmoon Group, am being ordered around like a little scullery maid. Sigh! What has become of my life!”

Xante gave him a side-eye and said nothing else as Aaron continued with his blabbering. She then started the car engine and drove to the nearest drugstore. While driving, she kept looking up at the rearview mirror to check on Corinne.

‘She doesn’t look too well after all that retching she did moments ago,’ thought Xante with at worried frown on her face.

ends in coming up with a design for Holden Group’s new building. She did not rest much even though she spent most of her days cooped up at home. Moreover, she seemed to feel tired easily to the point she

outside the window and said, “Xante, we

it’s best if I

the boss hates going

rearview mirror and said, “Boss, you should go to the hospital. You don’t look that well. You should do a check-up even if you don’t think you’re pregnant. Besides, what if it’s an ectopic pregnancy? It’ll be easier

sure I’m not pregnant and yet here she is worrying that it might be an ectopic pregnancy? Indeed my

schedule was messed up from stress or if she got pregnant that night. In

the hospital’s

at the blood test result and said solemnly, ” Congratulations, You’re seven weeks pregnant and the fetus is developing

the discovery. She subconsciously touched

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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