Chapter 516

Corinne’s phone rang just when Jeremy was in mid-sentence. She carried her phone in her hand since her gown had no pockets. She raised up her hand and saw the caller ID to be ‘Hubby

‘Should I answer it? Wait a minute… Hubby?!’

She was visibly confused. ‘When did I save my husband’s number? No, the question should be, when did I ever get myself a husband?’

“Is this why you ran away from home a month ago?” Jeremy asked sullenly.

The question pulled Corinne out of her thoughts. She looked up and saw Jeremy was looking down condescendingly at her phone screen. His eyes were tinged with a kind of suppressed anger that looked as if he was about to kill someone.

Corinne had never seen that kind of expression on his face before so she was understandably


Jeremy smiled bloodthirstily and said sarcastically, “I have it to hand it to you, Miss Carew. You’ve managed to snag a new husband in just one short month!”

reeling from the shock

aren’t you going to pick up the

up the phone, Corinne hung up the phone. The only plausible explanation she could think of was that Aaron was pulling a prank on her. He must have saved his own number under ‘Hubby’ without her knowledge and called her

her connection with Newmoon Group. That was why she did not


up the phone? Are you afraid that your new


that Jeremy would refer to himself as

she felt she did not owe him an explanation which was just as well since she was not in the mood to do that

we had a fight! I’m not ready to forgive him just yet,

next second. If Corinne had acted all lovey-dovey with the new husband, Jeremy would have thought she was putting on a show, that the husband was

Well, only people who were close to each other and shared their

face immediately turned into ice as did his

assured that I didn’t cheat on you or did anything I would be sorry about behind your back during the three

He looked coldly at her and said, “You think you have it all figured out now, don’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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