Chapter 528

‘Forty days ago! That’s about the time Jeremy went on that business trip of his. Meaning to say, he was actually with Anya and their kid! I guess him calling me every day to make sure I eat, sleep, and miss him didn’t stop him from having the time to make another kid with Anya!’ thought Corinne.

Corinne suddenly felt like something was stuck in her throat, making her want to throw up. Previously, it was a biological response but now it was an emotional response. She mentally berated herself for ever trusting Jeremy’s words. For a moment there, she was looking forward to him coming back so that the two of them could live happily ever after.

‘He lied straight to my face and like a fool I took it in hook, line, and sinker! What a devious. man he is!’ thought Corinne and even though all those were going on in her mind, she still managed to maintain a calm facade on her face. ‘Oh well, who of us hasn’t been. young and stupidly in love before? It’s all in the past now.’

After giving herself that pep talk, Corinne smiled and said, “Congratulations to both of you. For your sake, I hope it’s a girl.”

Anya rubbed her belly proudly as happiness filled her face to the point of overflowing.” Corinne, you should know that Jeremy will only admit the kid in my belly as his, whereas if you’re pregnant. Well, that kid would only end up as a b*stard. Can you bear to see your kid being called a b*stard all his life?”

one who’s pitiful here since you’re already given Jeremy two kids but he still hasn’t

to see her pregnancy report, but not only did she not seem surprised

teeth before

live for Jeremy and would do anything to keep him by her side to the extent of making false enemies out of Corinne.

feeling sick to the stomach. After that, rinsed her mouth and splashed water on her face once more before leaving

she came out, she saw a tall, lanky figure leaning

stop smoking for a second?’ thought Corinne. She

asked Jeremy coldly when she was walking past him. The

sideways at him and asked casually, “Huh? Are you talking to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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