Chapter 595

Corinne was not persuaded and was adamant about refusing.

At that moment, Lucas finally said in a stern and impatient tone. “That’s enough! Stop causing trouble! If Anya can’t take the stage, getting someone else to take her place is unnecessary. Grandpa isn’t going to blame anyone. I’ll just explain Anya’s situation to him.”

After hearing what Lucas said, Corinne could not be happier to be freed from that.


Anya insisted tearfully, “I didn’t prepare any other gifts for Grandpa aside from this performance… Even if Grandpa doesn’t blame me for not giving him a proper present, it’d still leave him with a bad impression of me in the future. That’s why I need to complete the performance for him…”

Lucas frowned and gazed down at his stubborn sister. “Listen to me, Anya. Your health is more important than anything. If you want to sing the opera you’ve practiced for Grandpa, you can always do so another day. There will be more opportunities for you to sing for him in the future!”

and the performance will lose its significance if I do it on a random day. I’ve already told Grandpa that I prepared a special gift for him, so I can’t break my promise! Jeremy… He’s waiting in the audience to see my performance too. I don’t

turned gloomy. “Anya!”

standing up for her best friend, “Anya’s still determined to go on with the performance, and if we don’t find someone to go on stage

when Lucas finally began to consider

she had a very stubborn temper and was determined to see. through something that she had her heart set on. Evidence of that could be seen in her decision to marry Jeremy ever since she was still a child. What Rosie said made sense because Anya would not cooperate with the treatment even if she was forced to be sent to the hospital. That would make things even more


so after taking everything


before ordering, “Get yourself ready to

boss as rudely as she did to Rosie and Anya. “Aren’t you afraid I’d butcher the gift your sister

an older person is not whether you sing well, but whether

a couple of lines and do your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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