Chapter 713

Knock! Knock!

A knock was suddenly heard outside the door.

“Mister Lucas, it’s me,” said Edmund.

Lucas snapped out of his trance and said, “Come in.”

Only then did Edmund dare to enter Luna’s room.

The tired-looking Lucas pinched the space between his eyebrows. “How’s Joey doing?”

of him experiencing a mild concussion. After stitching up his head and giving him some medicine, the doctor advised us to bring Mister Joey home to recuperate since he didn’t seem to be too happy to be staying in the hospital. It’s best if Mister Joey can stay in a

times, with each time more serious than the previous, ever since he was

what was the thing that caused the injury?”

a weapon and that his injury was most likely caused by

suspicion and yet he could not help but feel disappointed. ‘So it turns out

Anya was not the one who hurt Joey either. The little kid could have accidentally bumped into

do that, it was not as evil as hurting her own child. “There might be hope to make her see the wrongs in her way after,’ thought Lucas. He proceeded to make a mental note to himself to keep a close eye on Anya and to teach her

arranged for Mister Joey to stay with the nanny in

more suspicious. Joey has been resisting Anya ever since he woke up…. Could it really be Anya who hurt

this made Lucas’ head hurt. “Okay, thanks

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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