Chapter 724

After Anya went out, the nanny kept patting Joey on the back to calm him down. “There, there, little guy. There’s no need to be scared anymore ’cause your mommy has left the room already.”

It was only then Joey dared to turn around and his crying gradually subsided once he had confirmed Anya was, indeed, not in the room. Seeing this, the nanny sighed. It was quite obvious to her that Anya did not love Joey at all since she would only pretend to care about him when there were other people in the room with them and when there were not… she would show her true colors.

‘Poor Joey… Not only did he lose his parents at such an early age, but when everyone thought he was set for life on account of being adopted into a wealthy family, his mother only sees him as a means to achieve her goal. Sigh… It wouldn’t surprise me if his life only gets harder from now on,’ thought the nanny.

Meanwhile, back at the Holden’s estate.

Corinne was woken up from her sleep by the sound of a ringing phone. She groggily made a reach for her phone and put it against her ear. “Hello?”

“Good morning, Miss Corinne,” came a man’s serious voice from the other end of the phone.

still half-asleep, Corinne did not recognize the

“It’s me, Edmund.”

Corinne up

you want?”

from voice that Corinne had just woken up and he became rightfully worried that he was the reason for that so he cautiously asked, “Umm… Did

had asked me to arrange a private meeting with you. He

for something as trivial as this. “It’s fine. He doesn’t need to

“But Miss Corinne-”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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