Coming back to reality, Anya smiled awkwardly. “Oh, nothing. I was just trying very hard to recall what happened back then.”

Corinne smiled, “Oh, okay. Then did you happen to remember what color of clothing Jeremy was wearing?”

The question stumped Anya. ‘I might get exposed if I can’t even answer a question as simple as this… Jeremy rarely wears bright colors, so the answer is either black or white… Umm… I’ll just pick a color, then!’

“Umm… He was wearing black…”

Hearing this, Jeremy narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

“Then, do you remember where the rattlesnake bit him?” asked Corinne.

Anya’s face tensed up again. She really had no idea where. “Umm… It was his arm.”

hit her with another question.

perplexed. “Corinne, the way you’re asking me for all these little details makes it seem like

you? Don’t tell me you can’t even remember such an important little detail like this, Miss Anya. I mean, it’s not every day you suck out snake venom

happened so long ago, so my memory is a little bit unclear.”


frowned unhappily. “What else did I do? Corinne, I was just a

brow for a second. “You didn’t bring him any food? That’s weird… He could’ve died of hunger even if the venom didn’t get

on Anya that Corinne was not being jealous and suspected of her doing anything untoward



dare to simply come up with an answer since there was a high chance Jeremy might find the holes in her

day…I made sure to keep some and snuck it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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