Chapter 902 ‘You don’t have to worry about wasting food here,’ Lucas insisted. He could not bear to see Corinne being like this. “Is it because you think it makes me look cheap to eat these?” Corinne asked with a raised eyebrow. Lucas was stunned. “No, of course not!” he said quickly. Corinne’s eyes dimmed. “Then can you please stop telling me what I should and shouldn’t eat?” Lucas was speechless. He had no choice but to sit back down. He looked at Corinne with a forlorn expression, thinking he would do anything she asked as long as it made her happy. Corinne nonchalantly ate a bite of the honey garlic pork chop before saying, ‘ Mister Lucas, I’d like to keep the fact that we’re related by blood to ourselves. I hope you haven’t told anyone yet.” Lucas nodded. “Don’t worry. I haven’t told anyone about this yet. You have my word that I won’t tell anyone else until you’re ready to return to the family. If I tell my Grandpa Cedric and Grandma Beatrice, they’d definitely rush to the Holdens’ mansion to bring you home. I’m sure Grandpa Edgar and Grandma Gertrude would do the same. “Not to mention our seven uncles and twelve cousins abroad would fly back the moment they heard of the news. You might not remember them, but they miss you very much. There’s a chance you’ll be overwhelmed by them all, so no, I haven’t told anyone yet.” Enter title… 10/9/23, 5:07 AM Read The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished Chapter 902 2/3 Corinne was not surprised to learn Edgar and Gertrude would look for her since she was their granddaughter. She was sure they would welcome her with open arms and not care who her father was as long as they knew Emily to be her mother. However, it was a different story with the Riveras. Corinne suddenly smirked and asked, “Why would Grandpa Cedric and Grandma Beatrice care whether I’m still alive? Didn’t they accuse me of being a child born out of an illicit affair? Why would they want me back into the family? By the way, didn’t you think the same as them, too?’ “No, I didn’t!” Lucas did not know what to say to make Corinne believe him. He grabbed her hand in a panic and said, “You have to believe me, Corinne! I’ve never thought of you that way!” It just so happened Anya saw Lucas grabbing Corinne’s hand the moment she stepped into the cafeteria. She was stunned, but curiosity and jealousy overtook her, causing her to glare vehemently at Corinne. She took out her phone, snapped a photo of them, and sent it to Jeremy. Jeremy will be furious once he learns Corinne has been flirting with another man behind his back!’ she thought. ‘It’s a shame I can’t hear what they were talking about, though. But why would they need to hold hands while talking?’ Thus, she walked up to them and asked innocently, “Lucas, I’ve brought you lunch, so why are you eating here in the cafeteria?” Corinne quickly pulled her hand away from Lucas. Lucas simply let her go. He then straightened himself up and answered,’ I’m just being a good host to Miss Corinne.” Anya turned to look at Corinne and blinked innocently at her. “Corinne, didn’t you say you’re going to wait for me downstairs since you didn’t want to come up here? So why…” Corinne threw her an indifferent glance before answering, “You were taking too long and I got hungry, so I thought I’ll have my lunch here before leaving.” Anya dropped her head sadly as though she was caught doing something wrong. “Sorry, Corinne. I shouldn’t have made you wait that long. But since you’re here, why don’t you join me and Lucas for lunch? The food I brought is way better than the food in the cafeteria.” She then placed four containers on top of the table and opened up the lids before passing Lucas a pair of cutleries. “Here, Lucas. You must be hungry after all the work you did. Hurry and eat the food before they get cold!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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