It was only through Mother Cathrina’s insistence that Corinne was allowed to stay in the convent. After that, during all the years Corinne was living in the convent, Mother Kalista would always gripe about her existence to Mother Cathrina and, from time to time, would suggest sending her to the orphanage instead.

However, Mother Cathrina never wavered in her decision. She kept Corinne close by her side, causing the other nuns to resent her and take Mother Kalista’s side. Seeing Mother Cathrina getting ostracized because of her, Corinne did what she could to make her life easier. She took up most of the chores in the convent and ate as little as possible to burden anyone.

As time passed, the other nuns slowly accepted her. No longer did they threaten to send her to the orphanage. That was until, not caring about the other nuns’ objections, Mother Cathrina borrowed money from the convent’s fund to pay for Corinne’s education. Not surprisingly, the bullying started again after that.

Corinne witnessed it all, so she vowed to herself she would not spend a single penny from the convent after getting into high school. She pushed herself to win scholarships after scholarships, as well as to start a business while she was still in school. When her business started making money, she returned all the money Mother Cathrina borrowed from the convent to silence the other nuns.

From then on, Mother Kalista and the other nuns had a 180-degree change in attitude toward her. They became friendlier to her, but it only made Corinne dislike them even more for their hypocrisy.

‘They might be dressed in a nun’s clothing, but they surely don’t behave like one. In fact, the only person who really behaves like one in the whole convent is Mother Cathrina. She only cares about doing good instead of other worldly matters,’ thought Corinne.

smiled awkwardly and said, “Sorry if I frightened you, Corinne. I was just so happy to see you that I forgot you never liked other people touching you since you were young.”Books

Kalista. How have you all been well these

at her. “Oh, we’ve been very well! We’ve used some of the money you sent us to repair several of the halls and statues in the convent while Sister Cathrina donated the rest

Mother Kalista was making an indirect complaint about Mother Cathrina to her. Though, it was nothing new to her since the nuns there—with Mother Cathrina being the exception—saw money as more important than

she did not stop giving to the convent. Nonetheless, she made sure only Mother Cathrina had the sole discretion as to how the extra money should be used as Corinne did not

did you donate all the money to the villagers? I sent you money because I

we eat or use. Keeping the money will only

Corinne sighed helplessly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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