Corinne never expected that after all this time, Jeremy could still hurt her.

“No! I’m not going to apologize to her!”

Apologizing was akin to admitting to wrongdoing.

The waiters did not dare to intervene, so they went to get the manager. After all, it was a bad look for the restaurant if a fight broke out at the entrance.

The manager’s hurried arrival attracted the attention of other diners. They, too, came along with him to see what was going on.

were fighting with another woman. She broke through the crowd and saw Jeremy grabbing Corinne by

on the other hand,

Pamela rushed over and pushed Jeremy away. “What are you doing? Have you forgotten that Corinne is pregnant?! Have you lost your mind? How can

see how Sophia is bleeding from her head? Yeah, well, Corinne did that. She needs to apologize

what’s going on?

to talk to her. She…must’ve found me annoying, so she pushed me away gently…and I mean very gently. But it caught me off-guard, so I fell and hit my head. Jeremy started to panic when he saw the blood coming out and wouldn’t stop forcing out an apology

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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