Annie excitedly said, “Uncle Jeremy must’ve come all the way here to see you, but he’s too embarrassed to come up here. Older men and their fragile masculinity, am I right? Let me call him up!”

After staring at Jeremy for a few seconds, Corinne reached out to close the curtains. “He’s not welcome here.” Out of sight, out of mind.

Corinne’s indifference made the excitement on Annie’s face disappear. She pouted helplessly and secretly opened the curtains to take a peek. Jeremy and the car were both gone. ‘Why did he have to leave so quickly? Can’t you stand there a while longer just to show your sincerity?’

Corinne did not feel like lying down again after being pulled out of bed. “Didn’t you say you wanted to eat? Let’s go and eat, then.”

Annie nodded and forced a smile. “Yeah! Let’s eat.”

Corinne came out of the room and went to the dining room where she took her seat at the main seat of the table.

Annie no longer felt that awkward when she sat next to Aaron.

to dig into the food. Annie managed to produce some delicious food with her excellent cooking skills. She became a little embarrassed when everyone praised

and he asked, “Hey, Corinne, will

some food on his plate and hinted to him to

the fact that he had asked an inappropriate question, and he insisted on getting an

glanced at him and said, “What are

godfather too! That means I’ll have

Everyone was speechless.

around how a mature, independent woman like Xante would fall in love with a bumbling idiot

atmosphere turned awkward after Sunny’s remark, but fortunately for

Jeremy! He probably can’t hold himself from wanting to meet

reaction. Corinne merely staggered slightly while she was taking some more

her smile gradually disappeared. Her eyes were filled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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