Sophia gazed admiringly at Jason before praising him, “I respect you, Jason. Not many men can be so forgiving about their partners’ past.”

Jason simply smiled. Not wanting to talk about himself anymore, he asked her, “What about you?”

“What do you mean, what about me?”

“What kind of attitude are you bringing into your and Jeremy’s relationship? I mean, you don’t seem like you mind that he’s having a baby with Corinne.”

Sophia did not mind telling him the truth since he was honest with her. “To be honest, I don’t really mind. Worst comes to worst, I’ll just raise the baby with Jeremy. Besides, I think I’m more compatible with Jeremy since our personalities complement each other’s. We can just be ourselves when we’re together. Jeremy might still have feelings for Corinne, but they’re not compatible with each other. They’re not going to be happy or last long together. That’s why I think Jeremy will eventually choose her over me.”

Jason glanced sideways at her and sincerely smiled. “I wish you nothing but success, then.”

Sophia smiled back at him. “And I, you.”

After driving for a while more, Jason finally spotted a black car parked at the side of the road ahead. He instantly recognized it to be Jeremy’s car.

He then got out of the car with Sophia, ran

down to reveal Jeremy’s

stuck his head through the window to look


him coldly from the corner of his eyes.

so we knew you took her away! Where

stuck one into his mouth before lighting it up. He took a puff and blew out some

Jason with

fingers. “She refused to let me send her home and asked to be let out of

can you let a pregnant lady go home by

“Why are

breath and apologized, “Sorry for shouting at you. I was just too worried. But you shouldn’t have let her go home

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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