Sophia sounded a little anxious. “Why can’t I get through to Jeremy’s phone? Is he home yet?”

“Yes,” Tommy replied, “he’s resting.”

Sophia doubted that answer, so she asked, “Is he? Why can’t I get through to his cell phone?”

Tommy answered according to Jeremy’s request. “Perhaps his cell phone ran out of battery and was switched off. Don’t worry, Miss Sophia. He’s fine.”

“That’s good to know. I’ll try his phone again tomorrow morning.”

After hanging up, Tommy turned around and said, “It’s done.”

“Good,” came Jeremy’s absent-minded reply.

a while before asking, “It appears that Corinne is at the Riveras. Shall I arrange

narrowed his eyes and looked at the soundly sleeping girl. “It’s fine. She’s

place. She was still not keen on going home with him, but

Holdens and saw Pamela sitting in

walked over. “Why

back to her senses. She looked at her grandson and caught a whiff

coat on the sofa. He sat down on the single-seater sofa and asked, “Why are you up

“I heard you went to


you plan

her calmly and said, “It’s not the right time yet. She’s safe now, so

worry? The thought of Corinne being all alone outside with her growing fetus makes it difficult for me to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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