“No! What the hell is going on? Did something happen to her? Answer me!” demanded Francine.

Lucas did not answer her. After thinking it over, he asked again, “Miss Francine, would you be able to contact Sophia now?”

Francine knew things were serious if Lucas and Sunny were willing to put aside the bad blood between the two families to go to her house. Thus, after thinking it over, she said, “Sophia has called me before to look for Jeremy, but I didn’t save her number. I need to search through my call history to see if I still have a record of her number.”

“Yes, please do, Miss Francine. That would be a great help to us,” said Lucas.

Francine quickly took out her phone and scrolled through her call history.

“I found it! This is her number. But why are you looking for her?” she asked.

Lucas decided to give her the short story of it. “Miss Francine, Corinne ran away from the hospital this afternoon. I suspect Sophia took her away. Can you please call her to ask her where Corinne is?”

Francine started to panic when she heard this. Without further prompting from Lucas, she

call went through after a

cried Sophia tearfully as though she was trying to hold back a

where are you right

at the hotel. What’s the matter? Is there a

unspoken question in the air. Francine wished her brother was still alive too, but…Books

that. In fact, I want to ask you whether

be shocked. “What? She’s missing? No, I haven’t seen her today. What happened? Why

me to call you. Do you really not know where she is? You do

Yes, I did go to the Riveras’ with the hope of seeing her this afternoon, but they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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