Both Jeremy and Corinne’s mothers went missing when they were young, and they had no idea whether their mothers were still alive or dead.

“Where’s Jeremy’s father now?” asked Corinne.

Annie sighed. “After Uncle Jeremy’s mother left, his father stopped going out and fooling around with other women. Not long after that, he ran off to be a monk at some temple high up in Cloud Mountain.

“Grandpa Greg sent people to convince him to come back several times, but he refused, and Grandpa Greg fell sick because of this. Later, he realized that his grandson was the complete opposite of his son in terms of temperament.

“Uncle Jeremy, who was pushing thirty by then, was a workaholic who had no interest in women, whereas his father only knew how to fool around with women at his age. Gradually, rumors that Uncle Jeremy is into men started to fly around.

as long as she’s a woman and that he won’t have his operation unless he gets married. One thing led to another until he ended up where he is

felt a pang in her heart. “So both of Jeremy’s

from my mom that Uncle Jeremy was about seven or eight years old then. He must’ve

in his mouth and that he only needs to snap his finger to get what he wants. They don’t know that he grew up carrying the family’s responsibilities and

His schedule was packed with all sorts of learning activities from morning until night. He doesn’t even get to have his own free time. Only when he

her palm as she listened to Annie talking about Jeremy’s past. Her mind and heart were a mess. She never

thought Jeremy’s life was set for being born into a Logically speaking, he should

about his past. However, he would often smoke a few cigarettes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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