Corinne pulled up Joey, who was playing with his toys, from the carpeted floor. “Let’s put away your toys. We’ll have a walk outside the garden,” she said.

Joey nodded obediently. He put away his toys and ran back toward Corinne to hold her hand. “Auntie Sissy! Walk! Walk!”

Corinne got up and was about to take him outside when a servant came in and reported, “Mister Lucas, the Holdens are here.”

“Who exactly?” asked Lucas with a raised eyebrow. ‘It can’t be Jeremy since he’s abroad.’

“It’s Miss Francine and her grandmother. They said they’re here to see Miss Corinne,” answered the servant.

Corinne stopped walking when she heard that. She knew the Holdens were not welcome there since there was bad blood between them and the Riveras. It was only because of Corinne that Lucas was willing to put aside his grudge for the time being.

look that said he would

they’re already here. We might as

still gestured with his chin for the servant to follow

this, the servant quickly went

way, he had no intention of staying to meet the guests. Thus, he picked up his suit jacket and stroked her on the head, saying, “Have fun at home. I’m off to work

nothing of Lucas leaving without meeting the guests as she understood he did not

into the living room with

Grandma. Corinne’s there!” said Francine,

did not walk over to

to make sure she was okay. She had not even touched the sofa when she asked worriedly, “Corinne, have you been

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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