Jeremy endured the pain coursing through his body and spoke in a slightly hoarse voice. However, he maintained a relaxed tone as he said to Corinne, “Yes, I’m awake.”

The relief on Corinne’s end was evident. Though she had noticed the hoarseness in his voice, she attributed it to the typical morning hoarseness and did not immediately think that something was wrong. She asked, “Where are you now? Have you arrived at Sophia’s house yet?”

Jeremy replied truthfully, “Yes.”

Tommy knew it would be inconvenient for Jeremy to hold the phone because of his injury, so he placed it near Jeremy’s pillow and left the room to stand guard outside.

Corinne then continued to ask, “How did it go? Have you met Adam? Did he give you a hard time?”

Her concern left Jeremy feeling a sense of warmth in his heart. A faint smile graced his lips, but his voice still held a hint of seriousness. “He did.”

Corinne raised her voice when she heard that. “What happened? How did he cause trouble for you?”

somewhat dejected tone, “He

“I’ll have Aaron buy me a

Jeremy. His laughter gradually became more audible, and he said teasingly, “I didn’t think you’d grow so worried about me that you’d

after realizing she was being teased. The mood lightened, and she retorted indignantly, “Are you pulling my

skeptical as to whether he was telling the truth. By making her believe he was still in the mood to joke with her, she would believe that everything was fine—thus

care for me.

time for jokes? Don’t you have anything better to

more serious tone. “Okay, okay. I’ll stop joking. Everything has been resolved. Sophia

did you reach an agreement so easily?

not want her to worry too much, but he also did not want to deceive her a second time. He decided to gloss over the details and reply nonchalantly, “I did have to make some necessary concessions, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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