Don’t worry. Corinne is my sister, so I’ll definitely look after her even without you telling me to. I’m not going to let anything happen to her,” said Lucas coldly.

“Thanks. Appreciate it,” said Jeremy.

“When do you plan to fly there?”


“Ahem! How about dinner together before you go?”

Jeremy was baffled by the invitation. “I thought she didn’t want me anywhere near the mansion?”

“Of course she doesn’t. She’s too good for a lying sc*mbag like you. But there’s no guarantee you won’t be locked up by Adam once you leave, so tonight might be your last moment together with Corinne. I just don’t want her to have any regrets when it comes to you. So, swing by for dinner tonight before you fly off.”

Lucas wished Corinne could marry a man with a simple background if given a choice. She could live her life peacefully, at least. Jeremy obviously was not the best choice he had in mind for her.

had both power and wealth, he came from a very complicated background. In other words, Corinne

to avenge him last night, it hit Lucas just how much she cared about Jeremy. It could be said that Corinne would not

would go to Jeremy’s rescue should anything happen to him in Molomia. In a way, Corinne’s safety was tied very closely to Jeremy’s. Thus, being good to Jeremy meant that Lucas was also being

afford to let her go through any shock anymore. It was best for Jeremy to meet with Corinne so he could tell her where he was

he said in a nicer way, Jeremy decided to

are unfounded,

text you the time

remembered how he promised Corinne he would never let Jeremy anywhere near the mansion, so he

the phone, he

“Hey, Corinne.”

Lucas?” drawled

her reverting to calling him ‘Mister Lucas’ again. ‘I knew it. She called me Lucas last time because she was trying to throw me off guard.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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