Francine blushed and replied awkwardly, “What do you mean by that? He was very diligent in tutoring me back then!”

Corinne neither explained nor rephrased her remark.

Chester did not seem to pay too much mind to that either. He grinned shyly and looked at the three little kids seated between the two girls. He sighed. “Time sure flies. The children are all grown up now.”

Corinne tilted her head and looked out at the passing streetscape through the car window. She murmured, “Yes. Time flies… Three years have passed in the blink of an eye…”

The city’s lush parks were the preferred destinations for spring outings and picnics. Many families brought their children here to play on weekends when the weather was perfect.

Corinne and Francine led the children ahead, while Chester followed behind and helped carry their belongings. After finding a suitable empty spot on the field, Francine pointed and said, “Let’s set up our spot here!”

Chester nodded. “Sure.”

brought along. Francine took several photos of the food, beckoned the three children over so she could take pictures of them with the food,

children loved their aunt dearly, and Francine

retreated a few steps to the side and observed quietly with

Chester and asked softly, “You’ve fallen for her, haven’t

earnestly. “Honestly, I used to be biased against her. I thought she was uneducated and had the temper of a spoiled young brat. When you asked me to tutor

especially in this department,”

He did not deny that Francine was not the most

Corinne suddenly felt a chill run down her spine. It was almost as if a thorn was pricking

one. It was the same feeling she got whenever a certain someone glared at

a beat, and she instinctively turned to look in the direction of the eerie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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