Xante adjusted her gold-rimmed spectacles calmly and said, “Francine told me that our boss encountered Sophia when she went to pick up the children today.”

Aaron’s expression froze. “When did that woman return to the country? None of our people noticed that.”

Xante narrowed her eyes thoughtfully and replied, “She obviously knows that we’ve been keeping an eye on her over the years. She has a strong sense of vigilance, and her family power in Molomia is such that they are fully capable of avoiding us. She has every means of returning to the country undetected. According to Francine, she claimed to be married and was holding a child in her arms. Francine came to us because she wants us to find out who her husband is.”

Aaron sat across from Xante and mused, “I didn’t think she got married so secretively. Our men have been keeping an eye on her, but no one has ever seen any man with her. Could it be—”

Xante was well aware of what Aaron was insinuating and immediately cautioned, “We can’t jump to any conclusions just yet. Have someone to find out several things: the hotel she’s currently staying in, her husband’s background, and the reason for her return to the country.”

made an ‘OK’

necessary calls. After a few minutes, he returned and reported, “I found out that Sophia’s family of

an eyebrow in intrigue.

hardly any usable information at the moment.” Aaron shook his head. “I only

disappointment to Xante. They made some progress in finding out the name of the husband, but it was not the person they had

“I also received some reliable information that Adam is considering retirement and plans to hand over the entire family business to his daughter, Sophia. She’s willing to take over her father’s business, which is why she returned to the country to sell off some of the company’s assets. She wants to pull everything out of the country and never

silence. The domestic market held significant potential for growth, yet Sophia was willing to dispose of those

At Exeter Hotel.

Jeremy an hour to finish his shower. He had limited use of his legs and feet, so dressing up was a very time-consuming task. After he had put on his clothes, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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