Bryan immediately realized where he went wrong. Frowning, he pouted and asked, “Fine, then. I’ll ask you again in a nicer way. Bro, where did you get your cartoon kite?”

Benjamin liked the way Bryan called him ‘bro’, so he softened a little. “My mom bought it at a toy shop in Molomia.”

Hearing this, Bryan was about to tell Corinne when he asked again, “Did you buy the mask you’re wearing at the same toy shop as well?”

Benjamin nodded. “Yup.”

After thinking about it, Bryan knew he would have to wait for some time to get his toys even if Corinne agreed to get someone to buy them for him in Molomia, so he came up with an idea.

kite and mask to me for now and buy new ones when you go back to

in front of him was trying to take advantage of him. Thus, he decided to ignore

don’t want to, but at least let me wear your mask

he nodded and said, “Alright. You can wear it for

Thanks, bro!” said

passed the mask to Bryan, who immediately took it and put it over his face happily. He was


of the mask, he saw

off without telling me again? Ooh, you’re going to get smacked!” Corinne picked Benjamin up and lightly smacked his bum without giving him a chance to explain himself. “What did I always tell you? Don’t run off by yourself! Do my words mean nothing to you? What if you run into a bad person? Do you know how worried I was about you just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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