As much as Pamela was relieved to hear that, her heart still went out to Corinne. “Why don’t you help the kids wash up and rest a bit? Dinner will be ready soon.”

“Okay, Grandma,” Corinne replied with a nod.

Joey led Christine upstairs while Corinne followed behind them. A few steps later, she noticed ‘Bryan’ was not with them.

She turned back around and saw him standing and looking around with a lost expression as though he was a deer caught in a headlight.

Corinne picked him up and blamed herself for scaring him by being overly harsh on him.

“Bryan, Mommy’s going to help you wash up. We’ll come down to have dinner with Great-grandpa and Great-grandma afterward, okay?”

‘Bryan’ said nothing. He simply flopped his head down on Corinne’s shoulder to get a sense of security. He really liked Corinne’s scent; it soothed him.

Francine made sure Corinne and the kids had gone up before sidling up to Pamela, whispering, “Grandma, Bryan suddenly cried for his Daddy today. I think Corinne might have been affected… She might be missing Jeremy…”

cried for his Daddy?’ thought Pamela with shock. She then sighed heavily. “It hasn’t been easy for Corinne for the past three years.

a pair of pink pajamas. Then, she filled up the bathtub again and asked Joey to bring Bryan in for their

some toys, and the

her doll while Corinne looked up some

piece of land that Holden Group had been wanting to buy would be up for auction the next day. Jeremy had his eye on that piece of land

that piece of land was to build a landmark commercial area in the city. He was

not able to fulfill his dream three years ago, so

logged into the hacker system she had not touched for a long

notes when she suddenly noticed an old friend she had not talked to for a long time

profile picture and sent him a message.

replied to her,

was stunned. [Aren’t

in a car accident three years ago and lost most of my memory because of

Corinne found this odd. [Then how come you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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