Annie nodded and said, “Yes. Our family used to be considered normal workingclass people, but Uncle Jeremy’s protection enabled US to become quite welloff. You could even say that I was the daughter of a rich family. Now that Uncle Jeremy isn’t around, those who used to do business with our family for my uncle’s sake no longer do so anymore. That’s life, am I right? One look at the men that my family’s been introducing to me on these blind dates, and you’ll be able to see just how far we’ve fallen. They never would’ve dared to introduce someone like that to me when Uncle Jeremy was around.”

Aaron’s initial focus was on Annie’s situation, but he did not realize how big of an impact Jeremy’s disappearance had on her family. Things had become very

challenging for them.

“Now that your uncle is gone, perhaps you can ask your parents if they’re interested in having a son-in-law who can turn things around?” Aaron suggested. “I might not be as influential as Jeremy, but I do have some connections and influence in the city’s business scene.”

Annie was bewildered by his suggestion, and she turned away in embarrassment. “Stop with your jokes!”

“I’m not joking! Why do you always think I’m joking with you?” Aaron frowned.

many sweet nothings to

“I can’t tell the truth from lies, so I’m not even going to bother trying! And I don’t want

and said,” Well, I

can help your family in this crisis. Are you sure you’re not

glanced at his irresistibly handsome face. However, she looked away at once, fearing that another

any favors.” 1 Aaron looked into her eyes. “What if I don’t see this as a favor? I’m more than willing to make myself useful

leave me alone right now and stay as far away from me as possible!” Aaron seemed a little hurt as he asked,

Annie clarified, “but I don’t

Aaron smiled. “Then tell me why. Give me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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