-‘Gentle?’ Zachary fell silent. He recalled that little girl’s hand on his neck that day, and it seemed as though she wanted to strangle him to death. Perhaps gentle was the right word to describe that incident, because at least she did not strangle him to death.

When the door handle turned, Zachary immediately became alert and returned to his usual calm demeanor.

When Sophia entered the room, she immediately saw ‘Benjamin’ talking to Zachary. She had a slightly gloomy look in her eyes, but she nevertheless

greeted them with a smile. “Benjamin! You’re awake! What are you two chatting about?”

Zachary replied, “Nothing much. He told me he was hungry.”

Sophia did not suspect a thing and said with a smile, “I was just about to ask what the both of you want for dinner. Our refrigerator is running empty, so I thought of getting some groceries.” In a rare gesture of gentleness, Zachary looked at her and said, “Don’t trouble yourself. You’ve had a busy day today, so we can just have some room service.”

be fine. I’m more than happy

should get some more rest after a busy day out. Besides, Benjamin said he’s hungry now, so

that she might take too long to cook a meal for ‘Benjamin’. “Okay.

Zachary nodded.

presence was

them what you want to eat, and they’ll bring it to you!” she said

I want to be with Daddy!” 1 Sophia’s face soured for a moment, but she made an effort to keep smiling. “Be a good boy and

remained close to Zachary and ignored

‘Benjamin’. Just tell the hotel staff what you want, and they’ll bring it up for you.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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