"Lilin, take a look around and choose a room for us to stay in. We can share a room. While this house belongs to my friend, we should keep things where they are even though my friend doesn't live here for the time being."

Lilin nodded obediently, then asked, "But Mommy, what about my books? They're still at the hotel!"

Melinda sighed again. "I'll get them for you in a couple of days."

"Okay!" Lilin ran to check out the rooms as she was told.

Melinda sat down on the couch and thought over her marriage with Adam. She suddenly recalled the woman who saved her life.

'That Corinne girl sure was a special one. Now I understand why Zachary didn't fall for Sophia, even when he lost all his memory. Sophia is simply no match for Corinne's selflessness. Come to think of it, Corinne kind of reminds me of someone...'

Coincidentally, Melinda's train of thought was interrupted by her phone ringing. She took out her phone and saw it was from her best friend, the one she just had in mind.

"Mel, where are you? Adam couldn't find you, so he called me!" said Emily anxiously after Melinda answered the phone.

only reason Emily would call at this hour was

a friend's house

seemed fine when I talked to you over the phone a moment ago. What made you run away from home this time?" "Let's not

take some time away from him to cool down and all, but

worry, Emily. Even if I don't take my own safety

call if

"Will do."

"Hold on a second, Emily! There's something

it?" Emily

frowned. "It's about your daughter, Luna.

I'm sure. No mother would lie about their children's death! It's as good

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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